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有人批驳这种论点。Someone refuted this argument.

飞机不会批驳你的驾驶技能。Airplanes don't comment on your piloting skills.

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她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点。Her article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

她的文章精辟地批驳了他的论点。Herr article brilliantly demolishes his argument.

不过,他对王学的批驳也有不合理之处。But, Gao's refutation also had some unreasonableness.

批驳一个没有根据的论点并不难。It's not difficult to tear down a groundless argument.

三是对当时流行的错误观点进行批驳。Third, popular at that time to refute the wrong views.

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于是,在汉宋之争中,援佛入儒的李翱受到了阮元的批驳。Therefore, he was refuted by Ruan Yuan in the Han-Song Controversy.

舒尔特大使批驳了伊朗为这两处设施提出的理由。The ambassador rejected Iran’s justifications for the two facilities.

有教养的人批驳别人,有智慧的人批驳自己。The well-bred contradict other people. The wise contradict themselves.

但事实上,电脑崩溃距离和批驳了界限。Yet in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries.

从表面上看,这是个不可批驳的理由,但是实际上这是完全无用的。On the surface that seems like a great argument, but it's completely unnecessary.

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愚公批驳了智叟的错误思想之后,就继续挖山。Having refuted the Wise Old Man's wrong ideas, the Foolish Old Man went on digging.

而为了不盲目的批驳和拥护,只有冷静下来,才能真正领悟。And in order not to blindly refute and support, only to calm down, can really comprehend.

批驳党内的声音不断在批评你应该做的事对一个稳定的基础。Rebutting the inner voice that keeps on criticizing you should be done on a steady basis.

任志强或者说任志强的观点被批驳、被批评,应该是很正常的事。Renzhiqiang or Renzhiqiang been refuted the view, criticized, it should be perfectly normal.

愚公批驳了智叟的错误思想,毫不动摇,每天挖山不止。Yugong retorted Zhisou' s incorrect idea, continued to dig the mountains with great firmness.

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鬼才信这种谬论,一个人就因为杀了罪犯和预言家而被批驳不入流。I would not believe that a man is mediocre simply because he kills the criminals and the prophets.

局部剖析家以为这将是微软备受批驳的软件保障规划所面临的最大挑衅。Some analysts see it as the biggest challenge yet for the much-critiqued Software Assurance program.

主考人员的任务并非要无情批驳你的论点,他们只是想对你文章的风格作出评价。It is not the job of the examiners to rip your argument to pieces, only to set a value on your style.