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中国是世界陶瓷之都,中国陶瓷誉满全球。China as the capital of ceramic is famous all over the world.

如果贵公司旗下品牌已经誉满全球,也请加入我们。If your brand has being well know all over the world, please joining us.

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通过学习这些誉满全球的产品的例证,我们就能更好地明白它良好的质量所在。We can best understand excellence by studying the products that exemplify it.

她对伤员不知疲倦的照顾使她誉满全球。Her tireless ministrations to the wounded soldiers made her famous all over the world.

连那位誉满全球的权威布莱斯大夫回到他的书房里也是耸肩摊手,表示没有办法。Even that internationally famous authority, Dr. Bless, had returned to his study, shrugging his shoulders.

由于该塔的设计新颖、独特,一建成便誉满全球。It is due to the new and unique design that as soon as it was finished it became famous all over the world.

法国的葡萄酒以其醇香高贵被世人所公认,誉满全球。French wine is famous all over the world and is generally acknowledged with its pureness, aroma and nobleness.

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华盛顿被称为“美国国父”,是一位誉满全球的具有传奇色彩的历史人物。"the father of his country" and is one of those "larger than life" historical figures who are known around the world.

利物浦是一个总是看到有希望的那一面的城市,KOP也因为他们的精神和乐观而誉满全球。Liverpool is usually a glass half-full kind of city, and the Kop are renowned throughout the world for their humour and spirit.

中华民族曾是闻名于世的礼仪之邦,也是誉满全球的信义之邦。Chinese nation has been famous for its amenity and its good faith. Nowadays we are carrying through the socialist market economy.

华盛顿被称为“美国国父”,是一位誉满全球的具有传奇色彩的历史人物。Washington is known as “the father of his country” and is one of those “larger than life” historical figures who are known around the world.

华盛顿被称为“美国国父”,是一位誉满全球的具有传奇色彩的历史人物。Washington nis known as "the father of his country" and is one of those "larger than life" historical figures who are known around the world.

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中国铁道部在速度和成本方面誉满全球,仅仅在今年就准备开通1200公里的高速铁路线。China's rail ministry has an international reputation for speed and low costs, and is opening 1,200 miles of high-speed rail routes this year alone.

他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。He did not expect, from basketball, he has created more than 200 countries in the popular market, but also has the world famous American basketball.

尤其是她在人文科学方面的成就和影响力,可谓誉满全球,为社会培育了数不尽的杰出人才。It is most famous for its achievement and influence in liberal arts education through out the world, bringing up numerous outstanding figures to the society.

一丝不苟的工作态度,热情周到的服务理念诠释着汇通天下誉满全球的企业信念。We can tell the world-class famous corporate faith of Compass Overseas Employment Service Co, . Ltd from her careful, warm-hearted behavior to the customers.

通过其在世界45个国家的120个授权合作伙伴,美国饭店协会教育学院为饭店组织和院校提供服务,誉满全球。EI extends its reputation around the globe to serve the needs of learning institutions and hotel organizations through more than 120 licensed EI affiliates in 45 countries.

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作为终端检测以及研发测试系统的专业供应商,我们的测功仪以其卓越的技术和极高的可信度而誉满全球。As a specialist supplier in End-Of-Line and Research and Development test systems our dynamometers are recognised for their technical excellence and reliability around the world.

希望与各界朋友建产起完善的合作渠道,力争将公司打造成一个誉满全球的农科集团。We are in hope of establishing long-term and perfect cooperation channels with friends from every field, and striving hard to build our company into an Agricultural Technology Group.