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她常搬弄是非和造谣中伤。She deals in gossip and slander.

她在背地里对他造谣中伤。She slandered him behind his back.

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从来没有人对他造谣中伤。The breath of slander never touched him.

该报刊被控告对他进行了造谣中伤。The newspaper was accused of libeling him.

诋毁人格、造谣中伤、文字诽谤等罪名。Charges of defamation of character slander and libel.

在选举过程中,造谣中伤恐怕还阻止不了我的当选。To start a rumour for me might not hurl away on my election.

在法庭上,他认为对他的指控是造谣中伤。In the court, he thought the charges were slanderous rumours.

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除了撒谎欺骗德国公众,就是造谣中伤!Apart from Germany lie to deceive the public, that is slander!

它说,阿布利亚佐夫的说法是毫无根据、造谣中伤。CNPC said Mr. Ablyazov's claims were 'groundless and libelous.

欧文背后造谣中伤他的朋友麦克斯。Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by telling lies about him.

我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言飞语和造谣中伤。My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

谁一直在说我的闲话?我一直听到有人对我造谣中伤!Who's been gossiping about me? I've been hearing terrible stories about myself!

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我的良知纯洁没有污点,不管外界的流言蜚语和造谣中伤。My conscience stays untainted isn spite of rumors and slanders from the outside.

他们的整个政治生活中一直面临着种种造谣中伤。Their whole political life has been about a rough and tumble campaign, " she said.

读万卷书,行万里路腐化时期的人较富于机智,也喜欢造谣中伤。Reading thousands of books, people view decay period from a witty, also like to slander.

因此,我把您对爱沙尼亚连珠爱好者们的批评,认为是在背后对我们的造谣中伤。So, I take Your comments about estonian renjuplayers, as libel, what is made behind our back.

他是那种当面胁肩谄笑。背地里造谣中伤的人。He was the kind of person who would flatter you to your face, and then slander you behind your back.

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这位客人是老光棍,伯爵夫人的堂兄,莫斯科的沙龙中常常议论他,都说他是个造谣中伤的人。This was an old bachelor, Shinshin, a cousin of the countess's, famed in Moscow drawing-rooms for his biting wit.