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对不起,现在已经没有厅房了。I'm sorry the restaurant is full now.

对不起,现在已经没有厅房了。I'm sorry the banqueting hall is full now.

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请问需要大厅房还是小厅房?Do you need a big banqueting hall or small one?

对不起,现在已经没有厅房了。I'm sorry that the banqueting hall is full now.

请问需要大厅房还是小厅房?Do you need a big banqueting hall or a small one?

个人有一套两室一厅房房屋欲诚意出租。Oneself have a two rooms one office building is about to rent.

我们有专门的厅房给您休息,同时为您提供免费的茶水和一个免费的果盘。We have a special room for rest, in addition, we offer you free tea and one dish of fruit.

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直行就是大厅及三个睡房,发展商提供所有厅房的冷气机。There is a huge living room and three bedrooms. The developer will provide air conditioners for all rooms.

这厅房只靠一扇窄窗子进光,随时都点着一盏煤油灯,形象很是寒伧。凡是该有四只脚的家具好象都只有三只脚。This room, lighted by a single narrow window, and by a lamp that was always burning, had the air of a garret.

酒店“渔民新村”海鲜食府气派非凡,装饰豪华,拥有4000多个座位140多间豪华厅房。The seafood restaurant-Fisher Village is grand and elegant with extraordinary style, more than 4000 seats and 140 deluxe dinning halls.

LED工矿灯主要用于火车站、汽车站、轮船码头、大型超市、体育馆、厂房、仓库、电力、食堂、商业场所或其他高大厅房照明。LED high bay light mainly use in railway station , bus station , port, gymnasium, warehouse, supermarket, factory, restaurent and other illumination place.

个人现租有三房一厅房,空有一房诚意出租,环境光线好,需要,有固定工作收入,无不良癖好。Oneself are hired now have 3 houses one hall, for nothing one room rents, environmental daylighting is good, requirement, have fixed job income, without unhealthy addiction.

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楼上的厅房是“餐厅”,是一间长而大的房间,放满圆凳、方凳、靠椅、条凳和桌子,还有个瘸腿老球台。The hall on the first floor, where "the restaurant" was situated, was a large and long apartment encumbered with stools, chairs, benches, and tables, and with a crippled, lame, old billiard-table.