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没有,我们见面时还是学年刚开始的时候。No, I think it was early in the year.

学年结束时,情况如何?What happened by the end of the year?

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整体而言,我每学年有7个教师。In total, I have 7 teachers every year.

本学年校刊将于五月二十日出刊。The yearbook will be published on May 20.

在华工的一学年里,我收获良多。During my first year in SCUT, I gain a lot!

最后希望大家在新的学年里取得优异的成绩。Finally, I hope that you all in the New Year.

书费是上、下学期各一次,即全学年,共缴交二次。Fees for books are paid twice in a school year.

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一学年分三个学期。The school year is divided into three trimesters.

玛丽本学年将继续攻读硕士学位。Mary will proceed to the degree of M. A. this year.

本学年到目前为止,已经少于50人次。So far this school year, there's been fewer than 50.

我校每学年分为两个学期。There are two semesters in one academic year in BLCU.

我们都知道,你在学年之中是做不了这些事的。Goodness knows you can’t do that during the school year!

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二零零一至零二学年,约有70所学校会接受质素保证视学。In the 2001-02 school year, some 70 schools will be covered.

这一学年,实行全日制授课计划的学校数量达到了150所。Thisschool year, the number of all-day programs shot to 150.

请问你在过去一学年修读多少科目?。How many subjects were you studying in the last academic year?

奖学金每次核定一学年,须逐年申请。Awards are provided for one year and must be re-applied yearly.

由一九九六至一九九七学年起,香港教育学院已纳入教资会的资助范围。It came under the aegis of the UGC in the 1996-97 academic year.

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本学年的首席教师代表是王学勤。The newly-elected head teacher for this school year is H Chin Wang.

还有一些人则注意到此次“疫情”的爆发时间恰好与本学年的期末考试“不谋而合”。Others noted the outbreak came at the same time as end-of-year exams.

会及各次级委员会每学年至少召开会议一次。The committee and its sub-committees shall meet at least once a year.