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这使他远远领先于他的同辈设计师。It’s what sets him far ahead of his peers.

这里有一些简单的事情你可以做你的同辈人宠爱。Here are some simple things you can do to pamper your peepers.

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那么,猜猜怎么着,我们并不跟成年人一样受同辈压力的影响。Well, guess what, we're not immune to peer pressure as adults either.

那么,猜猜怎么着,我们并不跟成年人一样受同辈压力的影响。Well, guess what, we’re not immune to peer pressure as adults either.

我和12岁的女儿聊起同辈间的攀比心理压力以及吸烟这个问题。I discussed peer pressure and cigarettes with my 12-year-old daughter.

我倒希望他们有时候能忘掉自己的同辈,去看场电影。I wish they would sometimes forget about their peers and go to a movie.

此外,好像他并没对他的同辈学人有过失礼之举,是吧?Besides, it’s not likely that he’s been disrespectful to his peers, right?

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对于其他的孩子,可以教育他们远离他们同辈人的和性有关的行为举止。Other children can be taught to back away from peers' sexualized behaviors.

继续读来了解你怎样使你的同辈人得到暗中的健康保护。Read on to see how you can get Stealth Healthy protection for your peepers.

迫不得已,兰波变得比同辈更加好斗和机警。In order to survive, he had to be scrappier and more resourceful than his peers.

同辈的压力和角色示范作用的影响会远大于喝酒的价格.Peer pressure and role modelling are more influential than the price of a drink.

有孩子的所有人都懂得有同情心的爷爷奶奶,姑妈和同辈堂兄妹的益处。Anyone with children knows the benefits of sympathetic grandparents, aunts and cousins.

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学生为文成作,同辈互鉴,隐秘评定乃出,试问教授,权利何来,竟可厚然一睹?What rights does a professor have to see confidential evaluations of her work by her peers?

假如他不做那些事,他很可能在同辈面前会被大骂、被贬低或是很没面子。If he doesn’t do them, he might get yelled at or demerited or look bad in front of his peers.

男性在日常生活中承受着巨大的压力,来自于家庭、事业、同辈等等。The tremendous stress from daily life brings to the male is from home, business, compeers etc.

“另一个说‘不’的重要原因是,”希尔斯说,“它能让我们避免向同辈压力屈服。Another important reason to say no, Sills says, is it keeps us from caving in to peer pressure.

他利用有影响力的人物去给他们的同辈施压,并以焚化炉作威胁。He used prominent people to pressure their peers . Backing it all up was the threat of death ovens.

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有性生活的少男的平均成绩低于那些不发生性行为的同辈0.30分。Male teens who have casual sex had GPAs that were 0.30 points lower than those who do not have sex.

例如,有着性生活的少女比禁欲的同辈分数低0.16分。For example, female teens who have flings had GPAs that were 0.16 points lower than abstinent teens.

你没有羡慕过同辈的管理者吗,在他们休假的时候,没有人会往他办公室里打电话。Have you ever envied fellow managers who don’t have to call their offices when they are on vacation?