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本条不影响决定原则的适用Determination of application of doctrine not affected

本条之规定不适用于任何转口货品。This section shall not apply to any goods in transit.

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我从汤姆那女借了一本条记本,我又把它借给玛丽了。I borrowed a notebook from Tom and I lent it to Marry.

本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。The reward shall not exceed the value of the ship and other property salved.

忽略本条注意事项将导致控温器烧毁或发生故障。Failure to observe this precaution may result in instrument damage or failure.

本条沥青灌装线专门用于灌装沥青等高温液体。Auto bitumen filling line is used to fill and seal high temperature bitumen etc.

注册官可豁免任何级别的船舶,使其不受本条所有或任何规定规限。May exempt any class of ships from all or any of the requirements of this section.

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但本条的规定,并不宽免该代理人受检控的法律责任。Provided that nothing herein shall relieve the agent from liability to prosecution.

前条第二项之规定,于本条第一项但书情形准用之。The provision in the second paragraph is applied to the proviso in the first paragraph.

我建议找平锻才将它纳入本条巨大帮助!I suggest leveling Smithing before coming into this section as it will be hugely helpful!

本条的条文不适用于任何受雇于公司的人。Nothing in this by-law shall apply to any person who is in the employment of the Company.

独立承揽人不作为本条的辅助者对待。An independent contractor is not regarded as an auxiliary for the purposes of this Article.

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本条规定应适用于本协定所适用的税种。The provisions of this Artcle shall apply to taxes which are the subject of this Agreement.

注册官可豁免任何级别的船舶,使其不受本条所有或任何规定规限。The Registrar May exempt any class of ships from all or any of the requirements of this section.

本条所指年限均指申请之日前连续的年限。All the time periods mentioned in this article mean the successive ones till the application date.

本条规则是上述要求不在此阶段设置中介属性的那条规则的一个例外。This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.

本条的救济措施不包括对延迟交货或不交货的任何其他救济措施。The remedies under this article are exclusive of any other remedy for delay in delivery or non-delivery.

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“公司”是指证券公司或外国公司马里兰界定§1-101本条…Corporation" means a Maryland corporation or a foreign corporation as defined in § 1-101 of this article."

只有名誉会员,如本条第三款所规定,免予此审查过程。Only Honorary Members, as defined below in Section 3 of this Article, are exempt from this review process.

自建水闸的建设应当符合本条第二款、第三款的规定。The construction of self-built sluices shall conform to the provisions of clauses 2 and 3 of this Article.