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怒发冲冠五侠客将有一个要得到龙卷轴了!One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll!

一个用敏捷和贴身技能去与敌人周旋的侠客。A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies.

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轻快悠扬的曲风,表现出侠客洒脱豪迈的性格。A lively and melodious music genre displays a chivalrous man's free and heroic character.

通过强调侠客的社会意义和社会价值来消解暴力。It emphasizes the swordman's social significance and his social value to dispel violence.

“侠者乌托邦”理想性的存在,亦促进了侠客“江湖”意识的形成。Existence of the ideality also serves to promote the forming of the ideology of the wide world.

但是,我们的读者忘记生活很困难,我们必须有几个侠客小说。But, we readers forget that life must have been very difficult for our valiant couple of the novel.

迈阿密热队的全明星中锋奥尼尔目前正在中国参加李宁公司组织的“侠客中国行”活动。O'Neal, the Miami Heat's All-star center, is currently on a tour of China organized by his sponsor Li-Ning.

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民间侠客传奇正是英雄原型能动地参与现实的结果。Then, I viewed the deformation of Folk Xiake-legend to Revolutionary Hero-legend by way of prototype thinks.

论证追本溯源、由表及里、层层推进,深入地辨析李冯侠客形象的特点及其内涵。The argument traces back and analyzes deeply the properties and their connotations of LiFeng's warrior images.

侠客们诞生以后,他们的侠义精神补充了古代的法制精神,为古代制度打上了正义的补丁。After the chivalrous men were born, their chivalrous spirit repaired the spirit of legal system in ancient times.

唐代小说中出现了大量侠客形象,是一个引人注目的文学现象。The swordsmen appear in a great number in the novel of Tang dynasty, which is an appealing literature phenomenon.

本章主要采用“文本分析法”,对李冯作品中所涉及的侠客形象进行提炼、归类和分析。This chapter uses"Text Analysis"to refine, to group and to analyze the warrior images involved in LiFeng's works.

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在这同时具有市侩气息和英雄气概的时期,各种思潮都有它的骑士,利润也有它的侠客。In that bourgeois and heroic time, in the presence of ideas which had their knights, interests had their paladins.

大意是你就象侠客一样,能够在空中飞,意思是说能够在任何时候挺身而出,拯救球队。The effect that you like, like knight can fly in the air, meaning that at any time to come forward and rescue team.

而这些在“蝙蝠之路”上的“蒙面侠客”并非被严格的如此定义了,这些蒙面者中的很多人都从罗宾坐骑。While the rank and order of "masks" on the "path to the Bat" isn't strictly defined, most of these capes start as Robins.

清代后期,青城山作为中国道教的圣地,又是绿林好汉侠客响马出没的地方。At the end of Qing Dynasty, Qingcheng Mountain was not only the holy land of Taoism, but a place with many robbers appeared here.

侠客情结寄托着人们对正义的追求和呼唤,反映了人们对惩治邪恶的要求和快感。Swordsman Complex is reposed people's call and pursuit of justice, and reflect people's demand and delight of punishing the evil.

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另一套却是,仗义行侠维护网络世界自由平等的侠客。It is loyal to maintain network world free equal chivalrous person while being chivalrous while being competent if another is but.

侠客情结寄托着人们对正义的追求和呼唤,反映了人们对惩治邪恶的要求和快感。Swordsman Complex is reposed people's call and pursuit of justice, and reflects people's demands and delight of punishing the evil.

顾客朋友们,侠客轩男士礼品网经历数月精心改版,终于重新隆重推出了!Customers friends, the valiant men Hin gifts network experienced a few months meticulously revised, and finally re-launched a grand!