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他像是一团雾,漂移不定,变幻莫测。He is a vaporous and shifting mirage.

云变幻莫测,天空却是一成不变。Clouds are impermanent, but the sky is stable.

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所有的宫墙都变幻莫测。Where all of the walls all continually change.

伦敦的生活日日翻新,正如它的天气般变幻莫测。Life changes there every day, so do the seasons.

政治是一种相当变幻莫测的事务。Politics is rather a catch-as-catch-can business.

其意为变幻莫测,高手云集的舞台。Magician means a changeable stage full of masters.

时如烟云,变幻莫测,奇妙含蓄。Time, such as smoke, unpredictable, wonderful subtle.

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在繁忙的工作日,抽一丝空闲,一起来感受这变幻莫测的天空。On a busy day, with a silk leisure, a feeling that the sky.

天气模式变幻莫测,暴风暴雨愈加猛烈。Weather patterns are changing, and storms seem more violent.

同造成大流行的病毒一样,大流行变幻莫测。Pandemics, like the viruses that cause them, are unpredictable.

最佳心理状态可以是短暂的,变幻莫测的。The optimal state of mind can be fleeting, maddeningly elusive.

艺术家们加入许多的情绪来画码头,其情绪就像天空中变幻莫测的云彩一样。Artists paint it, in as many moods as there are shades in the sky.

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如我所说,大流行是变幻莫测的,往往令人猝不及防。As I said, pandemics are unpredictable and prone to deliver surprises.

这是一片广阔而变幻莫测的景致,但却美得令人惊讶。It was a vast and treacherous landscape, but breath-takingly beautiful.

天气状况变幻莫测,使得飞行前的天气信息失去时效。Weather conditions can change quickly, making preflight briefings obsolete.

神奇的云海漂进漂出,风景时时刻刻变幻莫测。The mystic clouds drift in and out, changing the scenery from minute to minute.

变幻莫测的你很难被固执的牛儿理解。The stubborn Bull will have difficulties understanding the unpredictable side of you.

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再变幻莫测得生活何历史之钟,犹壹样东西叫做悔之晚矣。In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.

九月真是变幻莫测,忙来如山核桃树上的松鼠,闲来却又象懒散缓流的小溪。September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.

当然,这都是两国间贸易紧张且变幻莫测的时期。Still, these are tense and unpredictable times in trade relations between the two countries.