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你怎样看待网络水军?How do you think of online 'water army'?

再来报到,向水军兄弟们问好!Check again, say hello to the brothers navy!

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内部人员说“水军”严重影响到互联网的可信度。Insiders say "water army" are seriously affecting the credibility of the Internet.

这意味着,与互联网水军的战斗将是漫长而艰巨的。And that means, the battle ahead with the Internet Water Army will be long and hard.

他们同样控告这位23岁的水军下士,约翰。威尼姆克一级纵火罪。They're also charged 23-year-old Marine Corporall John Wimunc with frist-degree arson.

宣祖下令水军禁止建造龟甲船,遭到了李舜臣的反对。XuanZu ordered a ban tortoiseshell ship water-forces, encountered opposition from adm. yi sun-sin.

以他们的最高长官的身份给这些水军和海军陆战队的新兵们做演讲,真是一种荣幸。It was an honor to address some of America's newest sailors and Marines as their Commander-in-Chief.

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这个页面不太显眼,建议重新设置一下,让水军兄弟能好找一点。This page is not visible, it is recommended to re-set and let the water forces brothers to find a good point.

至今,军队已经授予大约有170万枚的紫心勋章,给士兵,水手,水军和空军。Today, the military has awarded an estimated 1.7 million Purple Hearts to soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen.

这些水军的工作是按量获得报酬,于是常走捷径,多次剪切和粘贴相同的内容。These workers are paid by the volume and so often take shortcuts, cutting and pasting the same content many times.

秀吉在得知朝鲜准备废除水军一事后非常高兴,开始加快战争进程。Show auspicious in north Korea to abolish the water-forces later very happy, began to accelerate the process of war.

水军成为具有战略意义的兵种,在魏、蜀、吴三国的发展各不相同。The naval units become have the strategic sense for the arms, and the development has the difference respectively in Wei, Shu and Wu.

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发帖失效还能补发贴,水军基地真是很人性化哟,赞赏,赞赏,非常赞赏!Posted failure can fill posts, the water is really very user-friendly military bases yo, appreciate, appreciated, very much appreciated!

该电影以长江岸边水军最后决战的地方来命名,带着所有吴氏制作的明显标记。The movie, named after a bank on the Yangtze River where the final naval showdown takes place, bears all the traits of a Woo production.

管理中国互联网的秩序被“网络水军”和他们伪造的丰富信息严重扰乱了。The sense of order that rules the Chinese Internet has been seriously scrambled by "water army, " and their profusion of fake information.

但是,我的忍耐被贝志诚诚水军视为软弱,这些人不断的制造谣言剌激社会,挑衅公正、中立。But, my patience was BeiZhiCheng water army as a weak, these people constantly make provocation rumors stimulation society fair and neutral.

战舰迅速无情地付之一炬,在烈焰吞噬曹操的水军之际,他的部队最后也走上了绝路。Battleships are burned down quickly and mercilessly. Cao Cao's camp follows its naval force's timely end in an inferno that engulfs its ranks.

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只要该软件的第一个版本进入市场,水军将会从中学习并改变自己的行为模式来钻系统的空子。As soon as the first version of the software hits the market, paid posters will learn to modify their behaviour in a way that games the system.

与此同时,水军的专业化军事管理和军事训练也得到加强,军事后勤保障有所进步。At the same time, the professional military management and training had been strengthened, and the military logistic security was also developed.

三国时期,魏、蜀、吴都有水军建置,水战在三国之间时有发生。During the era of the Three Kingdoms, the Wei, Shu, Wu States all set up water-forces, and water-battles often occurred among the three kingdoms.