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何日你再回来呢?When are you coming again?

何日平胡虏,良人罢远征。He day Hulu, beloved strike expedition.

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此处一别,不知何日再见?Here a different, not knowing when goodbye?

事实真相到底何日才能揭开?Nitty-gritty after all can be He Ricai opened?

我会何日清醒,我愿我清醒时,他能幸福,这是我最大的愿望!I will clear day, I wish I awake, he is able to happiness, it is my greatest wish!

既然耶稣已说明不知道何日会再来,我们又何必白费心思呢!Since Jesus said he didn't know the day or hour, why should you try to figure it out?

这就意味着你可以找到最新开发的书籍,并能发现哪些书分别是何年何月何日出版的。It means you can find the last release of books and which book's is taking out in which year or month or day.

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这是顺德联谊总会何日东小学下午校直笛小组于2008年2月15日练习时的录影。This is the live recording of the recorder ensemble of STFA Ho Yat Tung Primary School PM on February 15, 2008.

是经典的故事、是花样的年华,是夜的上海、人们悄然吟唱、何日君再来?It is the classic tale, time that is pattern, the Shanghai that is night, people sadly does chant, He Rijun come again?

我如今将要离去了,不知何日更不知能否再回来。因为我面临的任务比当年的华盛顿还要艰难。I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington.

终日徘徊在桃花源潭畔,已为花源人,终守花源畔,何日才是头,唯有你来救。Always lingers in the the Peach Garden lake, has spent source, will keep spending source side, when is the head, only you can save.

长安一片月,万户捣衣声。秋风吹不尽,总是玉关情。何日平胡虏,良人罢远征。Chang'an a month, million pound clothing sound. Autumn wind endless, always jade customs intelligence. He day Hulu, beloved strike expedition.

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这就意味着你可以找到最新开发的书籍,并能发现哪些书分别是何年何月何日出版的。It means you can find the last release of books and which book's is taking out in which year or month or day. These facts are good for a good web site.

但是,不知从何年何月何日起,“革”成了人造革、合成革及一切非天然革的代名词。But, do not know from why year He Yue He Riqi, "Change " the pronoun that became leatheroid , synthetic leather and everything to be not natural change.

一江秋水浸寒空,点点帆影里,忘极天涯,何日是归期,夕阳残红,独立斜晖暮,鸿影掠过,小树眼底。A youthful dip cold air, little sails, forget the very end, the date is the date, residual red, independent setting twilight, hung passing shadow, small eyes.

朝霞般美好的理想,在向我们召唤我的同窗,分手在即,不必问何日相会,我们——一滴一滴的水,全将活跃在祖国的大海!Good ideal calls us like rosy down. Dear classmates, we are about to depart and don't ask when we will meet again. We will be active all around the country-like a drop of water.