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电动汽车昂贵的罪魁是蓄电池。What makes an EV expensive is the battery.

水火金钱是忠仆,应用不该是罪魁。Fire, water, and money are good servants, but bad masters.

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这并非我的性格,但环境才是罪魁。It amn't my character, but circumstances which were to blame.

至于那只罪魁祸凤,早就溜回宠物空间避难去了。As as that central offender misadventure Feng slip away once early pet space to quest asylum work to.

一位祖父说,奶粉丑闻的罪魁是奶制品企业与地方官员的腐败勾结。One grandparent blames the scandal on corrupt collusion between dairy businesses and local officials.

根据邵一鸣的经验,申请书长度和格式往往是败阵的罪魁。According to Shao Yiming experience, length and format of the application is often the culprit defeated.

在加门特看来,不管谁是罪魁,只有彻底地动一次手术,全部承认错误,才能避免大场大灾难。Whoever was the culprit, in Garment's view, only radical surgery and the fullest admission of error could avert catastrophe.

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仁慈可能会被埋怨为人猿崛起的罪魁,甚至将自由与女神像变成沙滩上道具灾难的元凶。Humanity may have been to blame for the apes rising up and the disaster that turned the Statue of Liberty into beach- front property.

当时,我们正走在尼日尔的河岸上,寻找着毁坏克莱姆村农场农作物的罪魁祸手河马的踪迹。We were walking along the bank of the Niger river, searching for the tracks of a hippopotamus that was ravaging the corn on Karim's farm.

奶粉安全丑闻不仅吞没了被指为主要罪魁的三鹿,而且把中国许多奶制品企业拖下了水,中国领导层处境尴尬。The safety scandal engulfing not only Sanlu, fingered as the main culprit, but much of China’s dairy industry, is an embarrassment to China’s leaders.

虽然“惊悚级”高跟鞋会招致各种足患,但是无带、平底笨重鞋更可谓让人意想不到的足病的“首恶罪魁”之一,由于穿上这些鞋子走路时脚轻易往前滑,由此会招致脚趾抽筋。Although "killer" high-heels can cause problems, slip-on shoes are one of the worst culprits, as they cause the foot to slide forward and cramp the toes.

晋惠帝皇后贾南风,是西晋历史上一位颇受非议的人物,史家和后人均将其作为女人干政、扰乱西晋政治和开启八王之乱的罪魁而大加贬斥。Jia Nanfeng, the empress of Emperor Hui of the Western Jin Dynasty, was a person who often brought blame from others in the history of the Western Jin Dynasty.

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印度官员曾表示,在孟买历时三天造成近200人死亡的袭击事件中,其罪魁武装分子是来自于巴基斯坦境内的一个反印度组织。Indian officials have said the Islamist militants who rampaged in Mumbai for three days and killed nearly 200 people were from an anti-India group based in Pakistan.

新西全国信公司称,新西日前生全国性信中断事故,致国以及网接,罪魁首有可能是老鼠。TELECOMMUNICATIONS blackout that threw phone and Internet connections in New Zealand into chaos was likely to have been caused by rats, the country's top telecoms company said.

限制预算赤字和极端保守的中央银行设立的马斯特里赫特条约是使欧洲更加难以对付这种衰退的罪魁。The restrictions on budget deficits and the ultra-conservative central bank set up by the Maastricht treaty are making it more difficult for Europe to counteract this recession.

然而,我所以蒙了怜悯,是要叫耶稣基督在我这罪魁身上,显示祂一切的恒忍,给后来信靠祂得永远生命的人作榜样。But because of this I was shown mercy, that in me, the foremost, Jesus Christ might display all His long-suffering for a pattern to those who are to believe on Him unto eternal life.

然而我蒙了怜悯,是因耶稣基督要在我这罪魁身上,显明他一切的忍耐,给后来信他得永生的人作榜样。Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

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市场中的房屋过剩,而且大量止赎房屋进入市场,正在妨碍房屋市场复苏.导致美国经济陷入1930年代以来最严重经济衰退的罪魁,正是房屋市场崩溃.A glut of homes on the market and a flood of foreclosures are holding back recovery in the housing sector, whose collapse helped to tip the U.S. economy into its worst recession since the 1930s.

而在今文学家看来,刘歆伪造群经、思篡孔统,以之作为新莽攘窃汉室之工具,乃孔学罪魁。In this writers opinion, Liu Xin forged by the group, think usurp hole unification, in order to throw into confusion as Xinmang Han Dynasty of the stolen tools, Confucianism is the chief culprit.