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我在北京简直就是如鱼得水。I feel just like a fish in water.

在格雷厄姆门下,巴菲特如鱼得水。In Graham sects Buffett duck to water.

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就会滑得越好,也会越来越如鱼得水。the better you get and the more comfortable you are.

当然,兰德并没有放弃它如鱼得水的项目。Of course, RAND hasn’t exactly abandoned its bread-and-butter services.

暗夜魔王在夜色中如鱼得水,他的攻击和移动要比在白天快得多。The Night Stalker is at home at night. He attacks and moves more swiftly.

看来,权贵资本主义在太平洋两岸都是如鱼得水。Crony capitalism, on both sides of the Pacific, it appears, has its rewards.

萍水相逢,却是如鱼得水,他们的两只手在这神秘的刹那间一经接触,便紧紧握在一起了。At the mysterious moment when their hands touched, they were welded together.

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在过去几十年里,这种蚂蚁已经大规模地进化了,在现代城市里生活的如鱼得水。Over the past few decades, this ant has adapted to city life — in a major way.

她在新的工作中如鱼得水,但还是希望能够结识一些工作以外的朋友。She is very active in her new job but wishes to meet people socially outside of work.

在美国萧条的IPO市场中,中国的公司正在美国市场上如鱼得水。Amid a sluggish I. P. O. market, companies from China are finding a home in the United States.

他能言善道。这个新工作岗位,对他来说简直是如鱼得水,绝对能胜任。He is eloquent. He will take this new position like a duck to water, and competent to his work.

提升激素阳光能提升性激素水平,让性生活更加如鱼得水。Fifth, to enhance hormoneSunlight can improve sex hormone levels, so that sexual life more freely.

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广州出生的范少华美院毕业后到了新加坡十七年,如鱼得水。After graduated in Guangdong Academy of Fine Art, Fan had lived and worked in Singapore for 17 years.

三人中年纪最轻的王海滨已经贵为中国击剑队男花主教练,在事业上如鱼得水。Three of the youngest Wang Haibin of China has high fencing team coach men spend in the cause of home.

她还有图画般的记忆里,对细节的注意力也很强,这让她诈骗起来如鱼得水。She also had a photographic memory and a real attention to details which helped her a lot with her scams.

我要看看怎样的家务,做到什么程度会让我们在房事中如鱼得水。I had to find out to what degree certain household chores would translate into an evening of carnal bliss.

除了这些基本操作,一些不为人熟知的小窍门能够让你的推客之旅更加如鱼得水。Assuming you've got these basics down, there are many less obvious tips and tweaks to get more from tweeting.

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自如的社交能力让交际花们在大型聚会上如鱼得水。Their social adeptness makes it simple for the social butterflies to be quite at home in large group settings.

只要把这两个关节打通,“市场、资源、金钱”三者之间的资本运作就能够如鱼得水了。As long as these two joints up, "market, resources, money, " operating between the capital will be able to come.

与夸梅“无手”布朗相比,加索尔在中锋位置上发挥得如鱼得水,湖人也因此平步青云。It's amazing how much better the Lakers are with Pau Gasol as starting center, compared to Kwame "No Hands" Brown.