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香港的乐坛又消失左一住焠灿的巨星。HK music industry lost a super star.

2001年出现在华语流行乐坛。E. appeared on the Mando-pop scene in 2001.

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他是内地乐坛的一个异数。He is a different number of mainland music.

当今乐坛最给力的两位歌手!Two of the best vocalists in music right now.

我们总是在寻找具有影响力的人物,尤其是在乐坛。We're always looking for influence, especially with music.

在乐坛举足轻重的这三个男人,在梅姑生命中都占了一席之位。The 3 famous man of the music industry are important to Mui Koo.

新海浪乐队是乐坛上最好的乐队之一。The New Ocean Waves is one of the best bands on the music scene.

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在乐坛获得成功之后,史密斯有意在影视界发展。With musical success achieved, Smith had a desire to try acting.

这支由五个男孩组成的乐队,在流行乐坛上很快走红。This 5-boy-group soon gained great success in the pop music world.

王力宏是华语流行乐坛最出色的男艺人之一。Wang Lee Hom is one of the best male artists in Chinese pop music.

北京的乐坛公园举行盛大的典礼来拜月。In Beijing's Yuetan park, a royal ceremony was held to worship the moon.

陆在易是当今中国乐坛著名作曲家之一。Luzaiyi is the one of the most famous composers in music field in China.

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她最近的独唱专集使她在流行乐坛名声大振。Her latest solo album has made her very famous in the world of pop music.

乐队在加拿大拥有众多的追随者,但乐队还想进军美国乐坛。Nickelback had a large following in Canada, but wanted to break into the US.

至今,它仍在美国流行乐坛上独领乡村音乐的风骚。So far, it is still a rural American pop music, music coquettish independence.

有的谣言则指向了流行乐坛歌星珍妮弗·洛佩兹。Some rumors are pointing to pop singing star Jennifer Lopez as a possible replacement.

他的妻子、流行乐坛巨星维多利亚和祖父母陪他参加了授勋仪式。He was accompanied to the investiture by his pop star wife Victoria and his grandparents.

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塔伊奥·克鲁兹将在贾斯汀·比伯的下一张专辑中与这位流行乐坛当红少年偶像进行合作。Cruz will soon collaborate with Justin Bieber on the pint-sized pop sensation's new album.

孙燕姿在2000年凭借同名专辑进入华语乐坛。Ms Stefanie Sun burst onto the Chinese music scene with her eponymous debut album in 2000.

该尊邓丽君蜡像将于展馆的「乐坛巨星」展区永久展出。Teresa Teng's wax likeness is a permanent display at the attraction's Music Icons section.