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欧洲的吉普赛人与其他族群一样也分三六九等。Romanies in Europe, like any other ethnic group, are no monolith.

其实跟大多数人想象的不同,这些为小俱乐部如朴茨茅斯这样球队踢球的球员挣的钱并不多,而且球队内部球员也分三六九等。Contrary to what most people assume, all the players at a club like Portsmouth are not on big money.

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茶可以分三六九等,男人也是如此,这是品质决定,是无法改变的事情。Tea can be divided into 369 wait, men also is so, this is the quality decision, is unable to change things.

内阁的成员分三六九等,等级分明。教育大臣地位处在该等级结构的下层。There is a distinct pecking order in cabine, and the minister for education resides somewhere in the lower echelons.

内阁的成员分三六九等,等级分明。教育大臣地位处在该等级结构的下层。There is a distinct pecking order in Cabine , and the Minister for Education resides somewhere in the lower echelons.

世人按照自己的观念把人分成三六九等,富人看不起穷人,恶官歧视平民。People classify others into various ranks. The rich look down upon the poor and evil officials treat common citizens with contempt.

被分出三六九等,弱者被淘汰,甚至连从幼儿园就认识的朋友都不再跟你说话了。Kids are now separated by intelligence. The weak are pick on. And girls you have known since kindergarten won't even talk to you anymore.

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她真想说,人的智力确实有三六九等,考第一的人,脑子就是比一般的人灵。Mom really wanted to inform her son that intelligence differs, which means that students ranking 1st are supposed to be cleverer than normal ones.

正是薪金这样东西将曼城球员分成三六九等,过去和现在,那个给出薪水和奖金的俱乐部如今由一个亿万富翁曼苏尔酋长支配收支。It is a charge that has been levelled at some of City’s players, past and present, given the wages and fees the club are now able to pay under the ownership of billionaire benefactor Sheikh Mansour.

真相是,如果你回首科技行业,人总会分为三六九等,耳熟能详的名字总在变化,因为这个行业发展实在太快了,有如此多的新事物被发明出来。The truth of the matter is if you look at the technology industry, there's always a few big guys, some medium size guys, lots of small guys, and the names are always changing because the industry is so darn dynamic, and there's so much new stuff being invented.