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她脉脉地注视着伏案苦读的儿子。She stared at her son studying at the desk with loving eyes.

沉浸在陶瓷文化的脉脉流韵中,直让你感叹不虚此行。Immersed in the ceramic culture and rhyme flow, let you sigh not straight.

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结论紧脉脉图与弦脉脉图间存在差异。ConclusionThere is difference between the pulse graphs of taut and vire pulse.

树木脉脉情深地凝注着它美丽的倩影,却永远无法将它捉住。The tree gazes in love at its own beautiful shadow which yet it never can grasp.

哈尔滨是座清凉的城市,夏至,繁华绿树,凉风习习,脉脉温情,清爽可人。Harbin is a cool city with cold wind. Blossoming greenery and lovingly warmth in summer.

脉脉随风至,翩然飘落舞红尘“。风起树摇,有花儿片片飞落。瞬间的。With exquisite, fly to fall. "the world of mortals dance, have the flowers fragrant tree instantly. Come".

独依江楼,过尽千帆,斜晖脉脉,江水悠悠,闺房中的弱女子坚守着爱情的誓言。Only by Jiang Lou, have to do a thousand sails, setting sun, river, in boudoir woman adhere to the vows of love.

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相思树畔,脉脉痴情,只被秋风漫。相恋深,相思苦,孤芳一世,到黄昏,点点滴滴。Acacia tree banks, and love, is only the diffuse. Love is deep, love hard, Gu Fang is a world, until dusk, bit by bit.

本文设计并制造了能够模拟人体小口径动脉脉动流的生物反应器。A novel bioreactor which simulated the pulsatile fluid flow of native small-diameter artery was designed and developed.

此外,七夕夜深人静之时,人们还能在葡萄架或其他的瓜果架下听到牛郎织女在天上的脉脉情话。In addition, on the Qixi night, people still could hear their murmur in the heaven under the stand of grapes or other fruit.

对于您的吊唁与祝福将于日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉密意与祝福盈满,很好人一生平安!For your blessing and will miss the to date increasing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying, the good life of peace!

空中花园的暗香还在脉脉云霭中飘散,诺曼征服的狂飙已经席卷了海的那边。Hanging Gardens of Fragrance is also tenderness mist cloud drift, Norman conquest of the hurricane has swept through the sea side.

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谁能抵挡如此脉脉的情话,至少当时的她完全抵挡不了,感动的一塌糊涂。Who can withstand thus loving sweet prattle, at least by that time of she completely can not resist, touched of in a great muddle.

其实,阿拉腾乌拉的母亲本身就是蒙古长调民歌的高手。但透过他的言语,这种脉脉传承的重要民族音乐文化正在走向末路。Aalatengwula's mother is herself an expert in Mongolian long-tone folk songs. He says it's a vital but endangered part of the culture.

她虽然已不年轻,但却富于教养,风韵犹存。1774年丧偶的富兰克林对她产生了脉脉的温情。Franklin, who had had lost his wife in 1774, felt a mild passion for this charming and cultivated lady who was herself no longer young.

我愿意只远远地望着你,穿越一光年的距离包括时间的空间的未知的,脉脉斜斜抖洒全心的祝福。I would only looked far from you, through a light-years distance includes time space of the unknown, and the oblique sprinkled with shaking blessing.

紧皱的眉头印满放下的思绪,怎料,望一眼脉脉的秋水,上面飘游的一朵红花,又让纷乱的心头盈满了清愁。Brow imprint full down thoughts, how materials, glance affectionately eyes above, straying a red flower, and let the chaos heart filled with clear anxious.

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想念您,怀念您老师!对您的怀念与祝福将于日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉深情与祝福盈满,好人一生平安!!Miss you, miss you teacher! For your blessing and will miss the days increasing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying, the good life of peace! !

人们传说在七夕的夜晚,抬头可以看到牛郎织女的银河相会,或在瓜果架下可偷听到两人在天上相会时的脉脉情话。People say in the Tanabata night, can see the cowherd meet, or in the Milky Way under the melon and fruit can overhear in heaven when they meet silently whispers.

节日夜晚,人们要抬头观看牛郎织女的鹊桥相会,或在瓜果架下偷听两人在天上相会时的脉脉情话。Festive night, people should watch the rise of the Cowherd and Zhinv Queqiao meet, or in the fruits of listening to the two-meet in the sky when the situation so Momo.