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到达时的我。这种贴着瓷砖的平房在当地是凤毛麟角。On my arrival. Tiled bungalow is luxury in this area.

世界上能把这些工作做好的人可以说是凤毛麟角。It's just very few people in the world can do it well.

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能写出如此诗句的人,现在已经是凤毛麟角了。Persons who can write such poems now are already very rare.

能进入朝鲜的外国记者仍然只是凤毛麟角。And it is still relatively rare for journalists to win access.

但是这样的“先知”、“千里眼”毕竟是凤毛麟角。But there is precious little sign that such clairvoyance exists.

凤毛麟角“指珍贵而不可多得用来比喻有圣德的人。"Rare" means precious and rare people who used an analogy with holiness.

如今像杨震这样嵚奇磊落的正人君子,已是凤毛麟角了!Today, open and honest gentlemen such as Yang Zhen are few and far between!

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西语裔的参议员和州长更是凤毛麟角。Hispanic senators have been few and far between, as have Hispanic governors.

大烟山,在世间任何地方,命名比它更加贴切者实属凤毛麟角。Few mountains anywhere in the world are more aptly named than the Great Smokies.

可惜,能够聆听到优秀的演讲的机会凤毛麟角。Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between.

在中国,很多人写得一手好字,但真正能够成为书法家的人却是凤毛麟角。In China, many people can write a good hand but only a few of them could become calligrapher.

石制工具大量出土,但在亚洲其他地方发现的人类骸骨几乎是凤毛麟角。Stone tools abound, but human bones from other Asian sites are almost as rare as hens’ teeth.

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这种类型的首席执行官可谓是凤毛麟角,然而这种特质也正是史蒂夫•乔布斯的神奇和奥秘之处。And that type of person is so rare as a CEO. Which is part of the mystique and magic of Steve Jobs.

但是,丢失标有总统个人识别码的“核按钮”的机会肯定是凤毛麟角吧。But a plastic card containing the president's personal identification code to launch a nuclear attack?

目前对风险管理进行探讨的文章还很少,针对建筑企业进行风险管理的就更是凤毛麟角。At present, the articles are less about risk management, especially more less for construction enterprises.

这样的例子实属凤毛麟角,原因是要么根本不存在,要么还没有被发现。Examples are thin on the ground, either because they do not exist or because they have yet to be discovered.

在中国政府和大型国有公司的高级管理层中,妇女代表可以说凤毛麟角。Women are barely represented in the top echelons of China’s government and the biggest state-owned companies.

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这不仅是因为那时合格的译员凤毛麟角,而且还因为双方的思维方式也相差十万八千里。Not only were qualified interpreters as scarce as hen's teeth, but the gap in mentality was a million miles wide.

经过八股科举所选用的人员是不合时宜的,进入官场更是凤毛麟角。After eight-part essay examination of persons chosen is an anachronism, and to enter officialdom are even scarcer.

我们不知道人的头部中弹活下来的几率是多少,但是我们很肯定的是,那样的几率凤毛麟角。We don’t know what the percentage of people who survive a bullet in the head is, but we’re pretty sure it’s very slim.