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女巫干尸貌狰狞。Witches' mummy maw and gulf.

他笑得像四十磅大炮一样狰狞。He smiled as fierce as a forty-pounder.

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帕夏会慢慢地展现出它的狰狞面容。Pacha only reveals its terror gradually.

中考如同黑色玫瑰,美丽却又狰狞。The black rose, beautiful but ferocious.

他的黑胡须和长长的黑发使他看上去面目狰狞。With his black beard and long black hair.

看上去面目狰狞,但不会伤人。Their dog seems fierce, but he's harmless.

对他们来说,龙是一种狰狞的猛兽。For them, the dragon is an aggressive monster.

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我见过的尸体多半面目狰狞。Most of the corpses I have seen looked devilish.

葛哈德狰狞地看了看他,却不回他的话。Gerhardt looked at him grimly , but did not answer.

百鬼多狰狞,上帝总无言。Ghosts are hideously clamorous while God is silent.

浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的面目。Smoother showed the face of its ferocious gradually.

这只狰狞丑陋可怕不吉不祥的古鸟何出此言。What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore.

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首先,是徐渭对诡异甚至狰狞意象的捕捉与运用。First, Xu Wei's pursued and used bizarre and ferocious image.

我只能咒骂,咒骂扰乱我们宁静心田的怪兽与狰狞。I only could curse on devil of excuse our hearts with peaceful.

这是一个面目狰狞的人,穿了一身劣质的灰色衣服,腿上拴了一条粗大沉重的铁镣。A fearful man, all in coarse gray, with a great iron on his leg.

这是一个面容狰狞的人,穿了一身劣质的灰色衣服,腿上挂了一条粗大沉重的铁镣。A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg.

啊,这个计划多么狰狞可怕啊!他真能实现吗?。Oh, the grimness and the terror of this plan! Could he really execute it?

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我的心如班驳的城墙大片脱落露出狰狞的隐晦。My heart is like the mottled walls large shedding bared ferocious obscure.

我只希望,我祈求,他会忘记他那狰狞的谨慎,而把我杀掉!I just hope, I pray, that he may forget his diabolical prudence and kill me!

也有专家认为,这种狰狞的饕餮就是早期的龙,是龙的一种变体。Some experts think that this is the grim early Taotie long, are a long variant.