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祝你有一份秋日的好心情!Beuty in fall! Share with you!

秋日的天气真是高爽。The autumn weather is fresh and cool.

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这是一个乏味的起风的秋日下午。It was a lazy breezy autumn afternoon.

那是秋日微凉的黄昏。That was an autumn sunset with a bit cold.

这是一个阳光妖冶的秋日,凉爽,蓝色和金色。It was a sunny Fall day, crisp and blue and gold.

秋日的伦敦晴空万里,万籁透香。Fall in london has a clear and sweet-smelling sky.

从天堂雅雅居出来,真切地感受到秋日的暖阳。From heaven and garden, truly feel the autumn sun.

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秋日苦短,暮霭正在拢来。Twilight was closing on the diminished autumn day.

我开始注意到车窗外的秋日是多么美国。I began to notice how beautiful the autumn day was.

往年秋日刮了一场又一场微风,很多树被风刮倒了。In the gales this autumn, many trees were blown down.

我在秋日里沉思迟迟,望断南凝汽。I musing late in the autumn day, gazing off southward.

秋日的清晨,古老的呼兰河水流过原野。The old Hulan River flows gently on an autumn morning.

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而一副秋日的倒影,将把我领入你的怀抱。And an autumn reflection , will deliver me to your arms.

给我多汁的秋日果实,红熟于果园。Give me juicy autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard.

这景色不见得很美,却是一幅秋日风情画。This scenery is not very beautiful, but a picture of autumn.

护士,是秋日的露珠,目光通透,心如水晶。A nurse is dews in autumn owning clear eyes and crystal heart.

——刺耳的喇叭声在耳边炸起,秋日耀眼的阳光里,我不由自主地眯着眼睛。At the blast of its horn, I squint into the bright autumn sun.

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秋日的阳光温暖了蝉的薄翼,却温暖不了它的心。The sun of autumn warms the alae of the cicada, but not its anima.

在我活泼的闲暇深处,我的生命将完成它的事业,像秋日下的稻田。My life will ripen its works like the rice-field in the autumn sun.

这是秋日里灰蒙蒙的一天,空中积满了大团大团的乌云。It was a grey autumn day and the sky was full of large black clouds.