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气氛达到高潮。A shouted climax.

我提供最好的气氛。I-I served the best air.

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学术气氛会相当好So that's a good climate.

改正2幕雇佣工气氛。Altered Act 2 Hireling Auras.

空气里洋溢着一片轻松愉快的气氛。A brisk gayety was in the air.

我认为越多气氛越好。I think, the more the merrier.

焦虑的气氛笼罩着全镇。Anxiety brooded above the town.

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突然,气氛一下子僵住了。Suddenly, the atmosphere froze.

故事被神秘的气氛笼罩着。The story is wrapped in mystery.

总之,气氛非常的轻松。it's a very relaxed environment.

我们到外表呼吸一些簇新气氛吧。Let's get out for some fresh air.

舞会的气氛开始活跃起来了。The air of the ball began to hum.

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整个气氛棒极了!The whole atmosphere is terrific.

你的家庭气氛掌控了吗?Is Your Family Climate-Controlled?

他的俏皮话使会谈的气氛活跃起来了。His witticisms souped up the talks.

那个房云一种安适的气氛。The room has a homey feel about it.

终于,那种令人沮丧的气氛消失了,露露做到了。Then, out of the blue, Lulu did it.

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气氛很棒很棒,This is very, very great atmosphere

我敢保证气氛一定会很棒。I'm sure the ambiance will be great.

空气中布满了紧张的气氛。The air was surcharged with tension.