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化成蹊径上行人的生命。And lives of the pedestrians on the paths.

我们感谢主,祢以爱所辟出的蹊径We thank Thee for the hidden paths Thy love hath made

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化成平原上交错的蹊径。We are transformed into crisscrossed paths on the plain.

办法是不可行的,我们只能别开蹊径。We have to find another way, because this one does not work.

约翰逊和阿乌伊塔各辟蹊径,跻身田径比赛榜首。Johnson and Aouita blazed their way to the top of track and field.

那位科学家不懈努力,终于在癌症研究上开辟了一条蹊径。By dint of hard work, the scientist blazed a trail in the study of cancer.

我们会有目标,重新声明我们的权利,如许我们可以创造一个新的蹊径。We will have the opportunity to reclaim our power so we can create anew path.

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为破解这个逻辑难题,我不想囿于成说,需另劈蹊径寻求答案。To break this logic I have to dream up an answer, not find one that's already there.

要达到言意谐适和言意相资相促是有蹊径可寻、有规律可循、有方法可用的。There are many, rules and methods in balancing the relationship between words and meanings.

本文先容广东省中小学西席继续教诲今世长途教诲技能蹊径与实现的要领。The Techniques and Methods of Distance Learning for Teachers in Guangdong Province are introduced in this paper.

这笔钱应该放在平安且方便变现的资产中。存入六个月的蹊径式按期存款是一种体例。This fund should be kept in safe and easy-to-tap assets. Laddering certificates of deposit out six months is one way.

同时,这项不可思议的发现为研发治疗哮喘、肺气肿和慢性支气管炎的新药另辟了一条蹊径。Meanwhile, the work represents a surprising new lead in the search for drugs to treat asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis.

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农场、工厂、蹊径、铁路与输电线路被毁,将近50万民众无家可归。Farms, factories, roads, railways and electricity lines were destroyed, while almost half a million people have been made homeless.

放著这条车水马龙的理论高速公路不走,我们团队在过去几年间另辟了一条前景看好的蹊径。Over the past few years our collaboration has developed a promising alternative to this much traveled superhighway of theoretical physics.

职业步履打算是你从择业,到在该职位事项,到实现你的耐久职业方针的引导蹊径图。Career Action Plan is a road map that takes you from choosing a career to becoming employed in that occupation to reaching your long-term career goals.

文章的研究方法,为求解耦合的非线性微分方程组的行波精确解组探索了蹊径。The research methods in this paper provide certain ways for obtaining the traveling wave accurate solutions of the coupling nonlinear differential equations.

为此,建立了无创性定量评价左室心肌松弛时间常数的新方法,为定量评价左室心肌松弛性又辟一新的蹊径。The method in this paper provides a new way in the noninvasive evaluation of the time constant of LV relaxation and offers comprehensive estimation of LV diastolic performance.

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引入认知心理学作为桥梁,通过“知觉与错误知觉”的概念为桥梁,试图劈开一条清晰认知的蹊径。The introduction cognition psychology takes the bridge, passes "consciousness and the wrong consciousness" the concept is a bridge, attempts to break out a clear cognition the trail.

复杂性哲学和复杂性研究为科学研究开辟了一条蹊径,使得人们能够以一种全新的、复杂性的视角来重新认识他们所“熟知、熟悉”的人类世界。Complexity philosophy and complexity research have opened up a new way for scientific research, which need people to understand their "familiar, well-known" human world in a new perspective.

有些专家认为,高清晰度电视的角逐所以重要是因为该技术不仅仅是一条通往使图像栩栩如生,使音响像密纹唱片一样悦耳的蹊径。The race for high-definition television is considered important by some experts because the technology may represent more than a path to sparkling images and sound as good as that on compact discs.