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然而,这只是一个早先的谎言。This, however, is an earlier-day lie.

早先一起病例也已得到确认。An earlier case has also been confirmed.

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后来的研究推翻了早先的理论。Later research discredited earlier theories.

早先修长城完全是为了防御吧?Was it used for defense purposes in the past?

他早先留意到的汤姆身上的香味消失了。The scent of Tom he'd noticed before was gone.

这和他早先的声明不搭配。This does not assort with his earlier statement.

这位女服务员带他们到了戴尔早先预订的桌子旁。The woman showed them to the table he'd reserved.

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他早先给地主扛过长活。He used to be a long-term labourer for a landlord.

在书的早先部分,我们看到了玛给她的孩子哺乳的情节。Very early on, we see that Ma breast-feeds her son.

我们在本赛季的早先一场比赛中5比1大胜过他们。We beat them 5-1 in our previous match this season.

早先的使用Xlib方面的经验也有帮助。Previous experience with Xlib programming helps too.

那男孩被认养到美国发生在早先的时期。The boy's fosterage to America came at an early age.

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剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。The theatre's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era.

早先中世纪地牢的石头地面下都有暗门。Old medieval dungeons had trapdoors laid underneath stones.

正如我早先提到过那样,它将成为完美的映射。So as I mentioned earlier, it would be perfect for mapping.

早先在澳大利亚,人们无情地抽打犯人。Convicts were mercilessly flogged in Australia's early days.

我在早先的课堂上提过,对吧Okay, I think I mentioned this in the early class, didn't I?

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就像我早先提到的,这些想法都要进行讨论。As I mentioned earlier, all of these ideas are up for debate.

早先,我们见识了难以置信的巨型狗小灵狗温迪。Earlier on we had the incredible hulk dog, Wendy the Whippet.

我盼望这是我跟随队伍插手角逐的早先。I hope this is the first of mexcellentygarees with the teare.