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脏器组织均可见缺血损伤、瘀血、出血的病理改变。There were ischemia, blood stasis, and bleeding of the organ tissue.

脑出血与瘀血、痰水、火热、毒邪密切相关。Acute period of intracerebral hemorrhage is associated with Blood Stasis.

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风湿瘀血凝滞,逐渐形成骨剌。The rheumatism stasis of blood stagnates , gradually forms the bone to perverse.

邪实则有外邪、湿浊热毒、瘀血等。There are external evil , such as damp-heat , blood stasis etc in excess syndrome.

强调标本结合,注重标实的清除,善于通达气滞、湿热、瘀血。Meanwhile, he also stresses the removal of qi stagnation, damp heat and blood stasis.

青色主寒证、痛证、瘀血和惊风。Bluish color indicates cold syndrome, pain syndrome, blood stasis and infantile convulsion.

恐怖电影和神鬼出没的房子强烈地吸引着人们,能使人的胃瘀血。For all of their stomach-turning gore, horror films and haunted houses attract people in droves.

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它能促进瘀血消散,增强组织修复功能。It can promote the dissipation of extravasated blood and improve the recovery function of tissue.

若是脾胃虚弱、大便溏泄而兼有瘀血证的病人,则以选用桃仁霜为佳。If the functions of patient's spleen and stomach is weak, then choosing the Taoren frost is better.

较长时间红外线瘀血区照射,也可促进瘀血的吸收。Much longer local infrared irradiation on ecchymosis field cought also have TSE absorbed effectively.

结论活血化瘀法治疗妇科瘀血证临床疗效确切,能有效改善或消除临床症状。Conclusion Activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis can effectively improve the clinical symptoms.

治疗组对肝阳上亢、痰浊头痛、瘀血头痛各证型的疗效无显著差异。The effects were no obvious difference among liver-yang , turbid phlegm and blood stasis types in treatment group.

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痰浊、瘀血均为人体的病理产物,近年来关于二者关系很多医家都予以阐述。Pathological product of the human body, phlegm and blood stasis, has been elaborated by a lot of doctors in recent years.

因此,认为痰饮、瘀血是低度炎症的主要病理产物。Therefore, it is held that phlegm retention and blood stasis are main pathological products of inflammation of low degree.

认为老年性痴呆的医学论文集病因病机为肾精亏损,痰饮瘀血互结。It considers senile dementia has causa morbi and mechanism of deficiency of kidney, mutual piling of sputum and blood stasis.

结论血府逐瘀口服液能明显改善瘀血症小鼠骨髓微循环。Conclusions Xuefu-Zhuyu oral liquid can significantly improve the bone marrow microcirculation in mice with acute blood stasis.

众人都放下心头大石,看来早前头部受伤,清除了凤仪脑内的瘀血。And they were all put down the heart stone, it seems earlier head injury, remove the feng instrument stagnant blood in the brain.

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结论血府逐瘀口服液能明显改善急性“瘀血症”小鼠骨髓微循环。Conclusions Injection of acanthopanax can significantly improve the bone marrow microcirculation in mice with acute blood stasis.

从而验证了高血压病左室舒张功能障碍阴虚阳亢,瘀血阻络的基本病机。So left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in hypertension's base mechanism is Yin diffident Yang stimulate, blood clot hinder vessels.

体格检查发现,患者面部多处擦伤,眼眶周围瘀血,呼吸节律正常,腹部轻度膨隆。On physical exam, she has multiple facial abrasions, periorbital ecchymosis, symmetrical breath sounds, and a slightly distended abdomen.