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我父母都是嬉皮士。Both my parents were hippies.

别人叫我嬉皮士。And I’ve been called a hippie.

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当然,队伍中有跳舞的嬉皮士。Sure, there are hippies dancing.

这一定是巫师嬉皮士的黎明。This must be the dawn of wizard hipsters.

汤亭亭说话的样子好像自己就是那些嬉皮士的一员。Kingston talks like one of these old hippies herself.

嬉皮士崇尚自由恋爱和自我表达。The hippies believe in free love and self expression.

嬉皮士崇尚自由爱情和自我表达。The hippies believed in free love and self expression.

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嬉皮士相信无拘束的爱和自我表达。The hippies believed in free love and self expression.

他们同其他的一些嬉皮士在印第安人圆锥形的帐篷里露营。They’d camped out in a teepee with some other hippies.

他接着说道,你是从大学里来的长头发嬉皮士教授。You're a long-haired hippie professor from the university.

他和嬉皮士、毒贩子一起厮混游荡。He was drifting, hanging out with hippies and drug dealers.

节俭的生活要比嬉皮士和喜爱自然要环保得多。Frugal living was green before hippies and treehuggers, too.

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在他们看来,肩背帆布包、留长发的人都是嬉皮士。In their view anybody with a rucksack and long hair is a hippy.

有一个社会运动,出现很多嬉皮士。There was a kind of social revolution. There were many hippies.

非学校教育者是嬉皮士,吃麦片和新鲜蔬菜,穿拖鞋。Unschoolers are hippies, eat granola and sprouts, and wear sandals.

嬉皮士宣扬利他主义和神秘主义,诚实、喜悦与非暴力。Hippies preach altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence.

我想嬉皮士们是他妈的第一个说,我不会还手的。I think it was one of those hippie fucks who first said he wouldn't fight.

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我父母是前嬉皮士,从来都不费心去列举家里的规矩。My parents are former hippies who never bothered to enumerate house rules.

这是一家棕榈树造型的新嬉皮士咖啡厅,门口有遮阳伞和风铃。This is a palm-shaded neo- hippy café with outdoor umbrellas and wind chimes.

西服曾被嬉皮士戏称为乏味的人的衣着标志。“Suit” was the chosen insult of hippies to describe a dull establishment man.