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他把那些钢板铆接在一起。He riveted those steel plates together.

铆接的作用力和铆接时间都是可以调节的。The applied force and the riveting time are selected.

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RND型的控制器可以同时控制两个铆接单元。Both units are controlled by the same RND control box.

采用铆接法,把飞行器部件连接在一起。For fastening aircraft parts together, riveting is adopted.

应用于塑胶熔接、埋植螺母、铆接等。Applied to plastic welding, preparetions nut, riveting, etc.

并可完成攻丝、铆接等工艺。And may complete attacks crafts and so on silk, riveted joint.

活动鸟上喙用销子与下喙铆接。The active upper proboscis was riveted with the lower proboscis.

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热熔断器的外圆上铆接有铜套。The outer circle of the thermal fuse is riveted with a copper sleeve.

工作台面高度可调节,而铆接单元保持固定。The working table is adjustable while the riveting unit remains fixed.

他们开始制作他们所谓的“铜铆接齐腰工装裤”。They began producing what they called "copper-riveted waist overalls."

研究了高模量碳纤维复合材料结构的电磁铆接工艺。The carbon fibers with high strength and modulus Lyocell fibers as the.

另外,铆接行程也可通过游标或螺旋测微计来调节。Furthermore, the stroke can be adjusted by the nonius or micrometer screw.

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在制作,我铆接尾随的优势,与我的手铆钉挤压。During fabrication , I riveted the trailing edge with my hand rivet squeezer.

在表面看来,科里的是一个女孩的故事赋予妇女权力和名利铆接。On the face of it, Currie's is a riveting story of girl empowerment and fame.

多铆头铆接机和单铆头铆接机铆头的运动轨迹相同。The tool describe the same BalTec Radial motion as with a single-head machine.

根据型号的不同,铆接力输出分为液压和气压两种。The riveting force is generated hydraulically or pneumatically, depending on the model.

锡焊点的连接力要小于钎焊、铆接或焊接的连接点。The strength of soldered joint is less than a joint which is brazed, riveted or welded.

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因此人们拆除了球形铰,并且把龙骨的末端直接铆接在车架上。Instead, they removed the center ball and bolted the ends of the wishbone to the frame rails.

铆接过程参数与铆接飞机结构的疲劳性能的联系。Linking Riveting Process Parameters to the Fatigue Performance of Riveted Aircraft Structure.

虽然他的戴夫金格里铆接装配在一起,他没有提到焊接快得多。While Dave Gingery riveted his assembly together he does mention that welding is much faster.