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因为人出去的少了本币又升值了,所以现实对外国俱乐部来说就是临时工太贵了。The strong real makes these journeymen more expensive for foreign clubs.

此外,只有2%的新兴市场本币债务以现有指数为基准。Only 2 percent of emerging market local currency debt is benchmarked against existing indices.

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菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和韩国央行周四均入市抛售本币。The Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and South Korea all appeared to sell currencies Thursday.

这些账户可以赚取外汇现钞收入而不用转换成加纳本币余额。These accounts can be credited with foreign exchange earnings not converted into cedi balances.

但欧元区成员身份意味着意大利不能实行本币贬值来缓解出口商压力。But membership in the euro zone means Italy can't devalue to bring some relief to its exporters.

本币走强会推高出口价格,降低海外利润汇回国内的价值。Strong currencies make exports more expensive and reduce the value of overseas profits sent home.

随着世界各地的贷款抽资离去,许多负债累累的新兴市场国家都出现了本币暴跌。Plenty of indebted emerging-market countries have seen currencies collapse as global lenders flee.

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对中国企业而言,用本币进行跨境贸易结算的吸引力显而易见。F or Chinese companies, the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear.

人民币和卢布实现挂牌交易,本币结算从边境贸易扩大到一般贸易。RMB and RUB are already tradable and the China-Russia currency settlement has expanded to general trade.

波兰和巴西现在可以借入数十亿的本币资金,这反映了某种势力汇合所产生的影响。The fact that Poland and Brazil can borrow billions in zlotys and reals reflects a confluence of forces.

通过本币升值,政府在兑换石油美元时得到的本币变少了。With stronger local currencies the state would get fewer dirhams, dinars or riyals for every petrodollar.

由于丧失了本国货币,希腊无法借助本币贬值来重获国际竞争力。Lacking its own currency, Greece cannot restore international competitiveness through currency depreciation.

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当经济发展到一定阶段后,内涵式的经济发展必定使本币升值。When economy reached some phrase, intensive economy growth is destined to cause local currency appreciation.

禁止各成员间的跨境交易使用任一成员的本币或非成员国货币。No using currencies other than UMEMs for trans-territory transactions within the territories of all AMCO members.

禁止各成员间的跨境交易使用任一成员的本币或非成员国货币。No using currencies other than UMEMs for trans-territory transactions within the territories of all IMCO members.

中国同意立即允许外资银行经营以人民币为本币的信用卡业务。China agreed to immediately allow foreign banks to offer their own brands of yuan-denominated credit and debit cards.

包括印度在内的经济增长较快的国家正试图通过降低本币对外币汇率来支持本国出口型经济的发展。Fast-growing nations like Thailand are trying to devalue their exchange rates to bolster their export-driven economies.

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杨红光表示,中俄边贸本币结算快速发展的同时也面临问题。Yang Hongguang said that the Sino-Russian border trade settlement currency's rapid development is also facing the problem.

华府强调其观点,即拥有大量外部盈馀的国家需允许其本币升值,主要意指中国.Washington pressed its case that countries with big external surpluses, primarily China, need to let their currencies rise.

深陷银行体系和本币汇率崩溃困境的冰岛正出售其位于华盛顿的大使官邸。Iceland, reeling from the collapse of its banking system and currency, is selling its ambassadorial residence in Washington.