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长方体、正方体、圆柱体。Cuboid, cube and cylinder.

今天我们学习长方体、正方体的认识。Today we'll learn about cuboids and cubes.

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红黄蓝三种颜色的正方体共18个。There are 18 squires. They are red, yellow and blue.

一个正方体的棱长是5厘米,它的所有棱长之和是多少厘米?The length of a cube is 5cm. What's the sum of all its edges ?

如果你曾听说过超正方体,您也许已经对四度空间有了一个初步的了解。If you've heard of a tesseract cube, you may begin to understand.

他在每个正方体陶块上刻上一个汉字用于印刷。He used squares of clay where he curved individual Chinese characters.

中央正方体从视觉高度上凸出,保证了自然光的采用。The center square emerges to bring light from the heights of the vestibule.

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一个正方体纸盒,棱长3厘米,求它的表面积。There is a cube, the length is 3cm, the breadth is 3cm, and the high is 3cm.

用餐时,那位卷发公主戴了一项镶有小正方体水晶的王冠。The princess with curly hair wore a crown decorated with small cube crystal at the lvncheon.

该程序是在长方体程序的基础上实现对其继承,实现对正方体的描述。The program is in the cuboid procedures based on their inheritance, to achieve a description of cube.

在饱和土中设置正方体大跨度结构,该结构产生整体破坏。Square large-span structures are set in the saturated soil, and overall damage appears for these structures.

它将会是一个边长为2英里的正方体——2英里长,2英尺宽,2英里深。It would be a swimming pool that is about two miles on a side -- two miles by two miles wide and two miles deep.

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当我渐渐睡着时,我还在想象在一个四维球体周围怎样构造一个超正方体。I was trying to visualize how to construct a tesseract around a four-dimensional sphere when I drifted away to sleep.

用红色和蓝色两种颜色对正方体的面进行不等价着色共有10种方式。Carries on with red and the blue color two kind of colors to the cube surface is not equal colors altogether has 10 ways.

涂鸦的时候你可能会随手画个正方形,加几笔变成一个正方体或是恶搞下老板的头像,将其画成是带着角的恶魔。When you doodle, you're probably drawing something like a square that magically turns into a 3D cube or your boss with devil horns.

首先提出在直角坐标系下将天球球面均匀地分成486个分区的方法——“内接正方体法”,实现导航星的快速检索。With 486 partitions, an equal partition method of celestial sphere without overlap is firstly presented to speed up guide star indexing.

苹果在乔布斯回归期间有一些挫折,包括在2001年,一款正方体的Macintosh由于未能受到欢迎在2001年遭到废弃。Apple had some stumbles during Mr. Jobs's second coming, including a cube-shaped Macintosh that failed to catch on and was scrapped in 2001.

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本文讨论了数据加工系统的正方体投影仿真算法的核心内容及优缺点。The paper relates to the 3D square projected simulation calculation of the NC manufacturing system and its advantages as well as disadvantages.

做豆腐时先用水浸泡大豆12~24小时,然后把已经泡软的大豆磨碎,做成横6cm,竖10cm、高4cm的四角正方体。To make tofu, first soak beans in water for about 10 to24 hours. The softened beans are boiled, and then formed into blocks 10cm by 6cm by 4cm.

七巧板是一种拼图游戏,由一个正方体分割出来的七块几何色板组成,通过拼凑、组合可以砌出过千的图案。Tangram is puzzling game, including seven pieces of geometric dissections which are separated from a square. It can compose and piece up to over 1,000 Graphics.