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这就是多元化的宗旨。That is the aim of pluralism.

这也是本文撰著的宗旨所在。This is also why I make this paper.

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和气生财,诚信服务,是我们的宗旨。And gas riches, honest service is our aim.

我国的对外政策,是以和平为宗旨的。China's foreign policy27 is peace-oriented.

下棋的宗旨就是击败对手。In chess, the idea is to unzip your opponent.

以造福世界为宗旨,仁者爱人。The benefit for the purpose, benevolent love.

第一章绪论,简述本文的写作宗旨。Chapter one narrates the stress of this paper.

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妭我们的宗旨“信誉为本、质量取胜”。Our objective "prestige for this, quality win".

我们的宗旨——为客户提供最佳测量解决方案!We Privide the best solution for our customers!

你,没有任何的宗旨,没有任何人性。You, have no any tenet , have no any humanness.

坚持品质第一是本店的服务宗旨。Quality first is the service tenet of our store.

是上海克朗包装有限公司的企业宗旨。Hai Kelang Packing Co. , Ltd. is on the business.

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以行业“四不、四满意”为服务宗旨。An industry, "4 No, 4 satisfied" as service tenet.

公司的宗旨是“宁失千金,不失一信。”This company sticks in the tenet of Honesty First.

“两个务必”体现了党的根本宗旨。"Two Necessary's" shows original aim of the Party.

但它的根本宗旨是欲使中国基督教化。However, its basic purpose was to Christianize China.

这是我们001人的目标和企业宗旨!This is our goal of 001 people and business purposes!

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这恰恰就是宋儒的宗旨。This is precisely what the Sung Confucians were about.

服务好每个客户是新会全体新会员工的服务宗旨!Serving customers well is our all staffs'service tenet!

诚实、品质、信益是我们的服务宗旨。Sincerity , quality and reputation are our service aim.