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灯体表面一般是银灰色。The matel appearance usually is silver.

通过IPTG诱导,获得包涵体表达蛋白。Induced by IPTG, was inclusion body protein.

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组为成年小香猪自体表皮皮片。Group C is to graft autologous epidermis flap.

现场检疫发现马有体表寄生虫时。When ectoparasites are found quarantining the horse.

有的疣体表面呈颗粒状或分叶状,伴有少许分泌物。Some warts grainy or lobulated, with a little secretion.

合胞体表面覆盖着一层糖萼。A thin coat of glycocalyx is present on the tegument surface.

一般情况下体表的细菌不会致病,尽管其中一些可能引起痤疮。They usually cause no problems, although some can cause acne.

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体表胃电图的多个指标与运动病恶心综合症有关。Several parameters of EGG were related to nausea in motion sickness.

用“全捕法”采集其体表全部吸虱。All the lice on the body surface of the hosts were completely collected.

暂时性寄生虫在其宿主的体表或体内只渡过生命全期的部分。Temporary parasites spend only part of their lives in or on their hosts.

冷喷涂涂层的致密性与基体表面的喷涂压力有关。The compactness of the coat by cold spray has relation with spray pressure.

甲壳类其体表披著几丁质之外骨骼,其外壳坚硬如同盔甲一般。Crustaceans have gelatin exoskeleton, which is as hard as a warrior's armor.

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描述了RBBB的体表等电位图图型特点。The feature of body surface isopotential mapping of those RBBB is described.

银杏套细胞起源于近雌配子体表面的颈卵器母细胞周围细胞。The jacket cells are derived from cells surrounding the archegonial initials.

腧穴是人体脏腑、经络气血在体表的特殊部位。Acupoints are special parts of body organs and meridian blood in body surface.

目的了解新型牙齿增白剂——黛思达增白牙胶对牙体表面结构影响。Objective To Study the effects of Desida tooth whitening gel on dental enamel.

方法笼日法捕鼠、采集鼠体表寄生虫。Methods To catch rodents with cage and collect the ectoparasites of the rodent.

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湿度是一个很大的原因,因排汗等于将水分带到体表。Humidity has a huge role. As we sweat we bring liquid to the surface of our skin.

体表慢性溃疡是一种常见病、多发病。Body surface chronic ulcer is a kind of common and frequently encountered disease.

现代鸟类体表和翼面覆盖的结构。Component structure of the outer covering and flight surfaces of all modern birds.