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“可怜的孩子,”他叨念出声来。Poor child, " he said aloud ."

他妈妈天天叨念着他。He was sounded by his mother every day.

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她叨念道,“我们能……嗯……一起跳吗?She mumbled. “Can we, you know, um, jump together?

我愿意交换任何事物,只为了听他再叨念和纠正我一次。I would give anything to hear him nag and correct me one more time.

我一遍又一遍地叨念父亲的话,慢慢地我开始懂得他的真正含义了。I repeated his words over and over again. Then I began to understand what he really meant.

一天,他拄着拐杖走到街上,忽然见一个跛足道人走过来,嘴里叨念着一些词句。One day, he walks with a cane went to the street, suddenly saw a lame man came and mouth off some phrases.

琳总是得不断叨念孩子们打扫自己的房间,并打理好周边的各种杂务。Lynn always has to keep after her children about cleaning up their rooms and doing chores around the house.

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他模糊地感觉到远处一个小小的黑影驾着热气朝这边走来,他嘴里叨念了一句“他来了。”He vaguely felt the heat drove away a small shadow coming towards this side, his mouth hundred said "There's he comes."

我曾搭过一个人的摩托车,当我告诉他我来自北京以后,他嘴里叨念了几句。After I told one of the people who gave me a ride on his motorbike that I was from Beijing, I heard him murmur something.

夏布洛尔是那种死后会被人叨念的人,他的作品也许以后看上去会更精彩。Claude Chabrol is the kind of figure who could be reclaimed after death – there are some films that might look much better years later.