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这是一种肯定的句式。It's an affirmative.

这是一个命令句式。And it's a directive.

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这样的句式开头的,虽然这个句式常常被认为跟他有关。" a phrase often associated with him.

保罗的句式很直接。Paul writes fairly straightforward sentences.

双宾句是汉语中普遍存在的一种句式。The double object sentence is very common in Chinese.

“窗户边”不太确定,不过句式是对的。I know the teather that is standing beside the window.

全诗是用五步抑扬格对偶句式写的。It was written in rhyming couplets of iambic pentameter.

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同时不要害怕运用一句式段落。And don't be afraid of including a one-sentence paragraph.

第二,这种句式为什么没有相应的肯定句?Secondly, why isn't there a corresponding affirmative pattern?

情景对话、阅读讲解、翻译、句式运用。Role-play, Reading Comprehension, Translation, Sentence making.

主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句式。The lausal predicate is of unique syntactic pattern in Chinese.

唱词类似戏曲唱词,句式长短富于变化。Similar opera libretto libretto, changing the length of sentence.

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同时该句式能够达到精简的效果以及可以表达言说者不同的态度。It could be used to emphasize the condition as well as the result.

现代汉语的双宾语句式是语法学界备受关注的语法现象。Double-object sentence is concern of modern Chinese language grammar.

句法具有句式变化多样、多用肯定句等特点。With the sentence syntactic diverse, multi-use certain words and so on.

小句宾语句是依靠语法整合形成的一种句式。Clausal-Object Constructions are formed by means of grammatical blending.

句式的决心义与“他”预指时的情态义相互匹配。The determined meaning of the structure matches the modality meaning of ta.

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句式的标记程度反映它在结构上复杂性。The degree of markedness of a sentence reflects its complexity in structure.

"遘"字句是闽语莆仙方言中一个特色句式。The Gou-structure is a special linguistic structure in Puxian Fujian dialect.

双宾语结构是一种既特殊又重要的句式,国内外学者都非常重视。Double-object Construction is one of the research goals in modern linguistics.