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老楚很疑惑。wondered Old Chu.

但还是让我们先把疑惑放到一边。But just bracket that.

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你们会疑惑我多长时间洗一次澡。If I was really hygienic.

清空所有疑惑。Empty youself of all doubts.

她疑惑地看着我。She looked at me quizzically.

疑惑使他烦躁不安。Doubts began to fret his mind.

他抬起头来用一双混浊无神的眼睛疑惑地看着巴顿。He looked up at Mr. Button with

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派克疑惑着眉毛拱了起来。Pike's brows arched doubtfully.

拉尔夫疑惑地看了看他。Ralph looked at him doubtfully.

但是,她时候她也一些疑惑。But she said she had her doubts.

这次经历让我很疑惑。The experience got me wondering.

“是的。”凡妮莎疑惑地说。"Yes, " said Vanessa doubtfully.

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苏珊娜疑惑地看着我。Susanna looked at me quizzically.

现在你还是乐在疑惑之中么?Are you entertaining doubts today?

我也疑惑是否还能回到原点。I doubted if should ever come back.

你可能有些疑惑You kind of wonder why they didn't.

可能有人会对此感到很疑惑Now, this may be puzzling to people.

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因此,疑惑中,穿过和缓的时间。So, wondering, thro' the hours meek.

生花带着疑惑进入文中!Flower into the paper with a puzzled!

我疑惑地走开了——为什么要等?I walked away wondering --- Why wait?