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他们依旧无知。They remain ignorant.

他的无知让我震惊。His ignorance appals me.

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是无知还是冷漠?Is it ignorance or apathy?

其次,这是无知的。And secondly, it’s ignorant.

我们只能一直处于无知状态。We were to be kept ignorant.

一个常见的答案是无知。One common answer is ignorance.

我从没见过这麽无知的人。I've not met such one ignoramus.

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因为我们求得无知。It is because we ask ignorantly.

我从没见过这么无知的人。I've never met such an ignoramus.

这窟窖的顶是无知构成的。Its vault is formed of ignorance.

年少无知的我们,做错了许多事。Ignorance of us, many things wrong.

不如说是无知的流行。More like an epidemic of ignorance.

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俗物皆无知。Most natural things lack knowledge.

她警告我们大家切忌无知。She cautioned us against ignorance.

习俗是无知者的向导。Custom is the guide of the ignorant.

怯怯乔乔源于无知。Fear hasways springs from ignorance.

对法律的无知不能作为开脱任何人的理由。Ignorance of the law excuses no one.

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与其说她是天真不如说她幼稚无知。She is not so much artless as naive.

我们都嘲笑她无知。We all derided her for her ignorance.

最让我吃惊的是他的无知。What knocks me most is his ignorance.