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他脾气特别毛躁。He is very short-tempered.

设计需要将毛躁,寻找新的。The design needs to be edgy and new looking.

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分叉让你的头发看起来更毛躁。The split ends make your hair look even frizzier.

它可以使你的头发柔软并有助于柔顺防毛躁。It will make your hair soft and help defrizz curls.

你的头发是自然卷发,所以很容易毛躁。Your hair is naturally wavy, so it gets fuzzy easily.

一个伟大的产品的数量可以帮助你摆脱中的毛躁卷发。A number of great products can help you get rid of frizz in curly hair.

科诺尔通常不会用吹风机吹干头发,因为这样会令卷发显得毛躁。Mr. Knoll generally avoids blow-drying his hair, because it can make curls frizzy.

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那些条纹是笔直和清晰可辨的,不会有任何毛躁和颜色溢出的情况。The stripes themselves need to be straight and clearly defined, not messy or bled out.

他们开始毛躁起来,即使知道只要再赢一场一切都会变好起来。They began aggressively, knowing all would be well if only they could win just this one match.

宇文逸凡也不喜欢小堂弟的毛躁,对他也没有什么耐心。Yu text Yi any doesn't favor the little cousin's cilia as well rashness, likewise have not persistence to him.

他对于心里所渴想追求的东西,不会像小孩子般毛躁地跳脚要求立刻兑现,因为他知道上帝有祂的时刻表。He shall not haste in his expectations, craving his good things at once and on the spot, but he will wait God's time.

驯服从专业发型师鬈毛在这个自由视频提供关于如何摆脱毛躁甩在卷发。Tame the frizz with advice from a professional hair stylist in this free video on how to get rid of frizz in curly hair.

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尽管这个塞尔维亚人比较毛躁,但是表现出彩。在对战切尔西时,获得顶球射门。The big Serb is brutal in the challenge but refined on the ball and, as was demonstrated against Chelsea, likes a headed goal.

我们要杜绝拖拉,同时我们也要避免毛躁和焦虑,我们做好工作的同时也好享受自己的人生。We avoid tardiness, and we should also avoid hastiness and anxiety. We do a good job, and the same time, we enjoy a good life.

以前留短发,经常是睡一觉后就成了“爆炸头”,头发又翘又毛躁。Leave bingle before, often be to sleep became after shut-eye " explosive head " , the hair becomes warped again short-tempered.

冬季你则需要滋润的护发素防止秀发静电毛躁,而湿润的气候下又得使用防卷曲产品了。In winter, you'll want a rich conditioner to prevent fly-aways and static. You'll also want to use a de-frizz product on humid days.

你积极地致力于不断解决任何你正在处理的问题,但是现在你还是易怒和毛躁的。You are motivated to work at resolving any ongoing problems you may be dealing with, but you're apt to be rather irritable and edgy now also.

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刚来的时候他还很年轻,有点毛躁,这让你很伤脑筋。但他现在成熟了,有很坚强的个性。He had a casualness about him when he first joined as a young lad which sometimes frustrated you, but he's matured and has a great strength of character.

他们的镜头就像是一位毛躁的菜鸟外科医生手中冰冷无情的手术刀,生生切入尚在流血的人类痛楚和苦难之中。Their camera lenses are like the cold and indifferent scalpel of an inexperienced surgeon cutting into the still-warm flesh of human grief and suffering.

化学处理和拉直头发的护理。滋养和改善受损的化学拉直头发的管理,防止毛躁和使头发丝柔顺和光泽。Treatment for chemically, straightened hair. Nourishes and improves manageability of damaged chemically straightened hair, prevents frizz and makes hair silk and shine.