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画角声中,牧马频来去。Draw the sound of the horn, Wrangler and frequency.

王,朱,和雪松认为,牧马是一种隐喻。Wang Wei, Zhu He and Sui Xuesong consider the horse as a metaphor.

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被围起来的地区,通常靠近牲畜厩,主要用来牧马。A fenced area, usually near a stable, used chiefly for grazing horses.

官牧马主要为军事、邮驿交通需要服务。Horsing under the charge of government was for military and transportation services.

当天晚上,他用了七页纸来描述他的目标――有一天他要拥有一家属于自己的牧马场。That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch.

北宋时期河南畜牧业发展迅猛,尤其是官营牧马业空前繁盛。The North Song Dynasty was the important period during which Henan husbandry was greatly developed.

牧马身上所具有的疏离感的动物人格,关联着当地人群的观念模式的演变。The alienation of animal character of horses implicates the changing of mindset of the local community.

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其间的人际关系复杂性及冲突常常聚焦在如何使用和饲养牧马的管理方式上。The complexity of interpersonal relationship has always centered on the using and breeding of the horses.

采用牧马河和鲇鱼山水库流域的日降雨径流资料对模型进行了率定和校核。The daily rainfall-runoff data from the Mumahe and Nianyushan reservoir basins is selected to test the model.

牧马行会总部是中世纪时期世界上最大的良马育种基地。The Horse Breeders' Guild Headquarters is essentially the world's home of genetic science in the medieval age.

然后他延续前行,经过马厩,经过满是牧马、牛群的草地,经过养鸡场。Then he continued past the stables, past the meadow filled with grazing horses, cows, and bulls, past the chicken house.

在把牛群赶拢之后,牛仔们通常会举行名为”牧马骑术表演会”的竞赛,并选出最擅长掷索套牛、驯野马或射击的人。At the end of a round up, they held competitions called rodeos to see who was best at roping a cow, riding a wild horse, or shooting.

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该曲生动刻画了新疆地区的维族少年,在广阔的草原上牧马放歌的场景,展现了新疆地域辽阔、风景优美的画面。The song describes the Xinjiang Uygur youth, in the vast grasslands of the scene, shows the vast Xinjiang region, the scenic picture.

下载描述切诺基和牧马混合使用空气加热系统。温度的空气进入车厢通过调节控制量。Download Piceno Description Wrangler Base hybrid systems and "heating" the air. air temperature in the cabin by adjusting the volume control.

诚招优秀训犬员,能独立成基本科目服从的,同时带多条犬,主要是训练德牧马犬和CSV。Chengzhao outstanding handler, can independently into basic subjects to obey, but with many dogs, primarily training dogs and CSV de wrangler.

官方措辞里,新疆仅仅是一个物草丰美的、牛羊成群的旅游胜地,新疆的官方画面常被定格为牧马。The authority regards Xingjiang only as a nice place for tourism and animal husbandry, in which horses are introduced as an important imagery.

牧马技术表演正在城里举行。近十万人来到这里。而其他想要寻幽探静的游客则在饱览盛开的矢车菊。The rodeo is just in town. Nearly a hundred thousand people came. And other visitors wanting quieter pursuits took in the blue bonnets in bloom.

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结果表明,牧马豆生物碱对大肠埃希氏菌、巴氏杆菌、链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌均有一定的抑制作用。The results showed that Alkaloids from Thermopsis lanceolate had certain inhibition on Escherichia, Pasteurella, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

将牧马豆生物碱配制成不同的质量浓度,通过试管法测定其最小抑菌质量浓度。Alkaloids from Thermopsis lanceolate were made up into different concentrations and the minimum bacteriostasis concentration was determined in vitro.

在蒙古包中生活的人从事各种日常活动,例如牧马、挤牛奶、收集燃料、在园中干活、做木工和刺绣。People living in gers are engaged in day-to-day activities such as herding horses, milking cows, fuel gathering, gardening, carpentry, and embroidery.