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阴干一下试试吧,也许可以恢复一些。Dry your Marine Band in the shade, and that might help.

这种丝绸衣服应阴干。This kind of silk clothing should be dried in the shade.

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将帽子里面塞上毛巾,平放阴干,切忌吊挂晒干。In 5, the hat plug towel, flat dry, avoid hanging to dry.

首先,把洋葱在日光下晾晒一到数天,然后置于阳光无法直射的地方阴干两到三周。First, dry the onions in the sun for a day or so. Then bring them out of direct sun for two to three weeks.

铸型不糊草拌泥也可单独阴干、焙烧并用于浇铸。The molds and cores first dry in the shade and then were baked separately before they are used for casting.

专家建议,贴好壁纸后自然阴干,只留下少量的风进行空气流通即可。Expert proposal, stick dry in the shade of the nature after good wallpaper, stay only a few wind undertakes airiness can.

可用阴干、流水或降低盐度等方法诱导其排放精卵,也可进行解剖受精。The well-developed gonads can be dissected to collect the mature sperm and ovum for artificial fertilization, alternatively.

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土砖用之前一定要彻底阴干,这样墙才不会变形或者毁坏。Adobe bricks must be dried completely before they are used. This is necessary so that the walls of a building will not shrink or break.

是的,只要漂白粉没有过期,未稀释,包装密封性很好,而且一直放在阴干的地方保存,就会含有次氯酸钠。Yes, if the bleach is fresh and undiluted, and is contained in unopened containers that have not been exposed to heat or sunlight during storage.

进口突破对果酱,阴干和速冻蔬菜,还有经过简单的加工的水果意义重大。Import penetration is already significant for provisionally preserved, dried, and frozen vegetables and for processed and simply preserved fruits.

传统的花椒干制方法是集中晾晒或用阴凉干燥处阴干,一般集中晾晒,一日干透成色较好。The traditional approach is to focus on drying pepper, dried or dried with a cool, dry place, generally concentrated laundry, dry day good fineness.

在收割之后,叶子直接放在太阳底下晒,或者能在荫凉处放在竹架上阴干3天是更好,因为蒸馏新鲜的叶子出产的精油品质差。After cutting, the leaves are sun, or preferably shade dried on bamboo racks for about 3 days since distilling fresh leaves produces poor quality oil.

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表面皿也可以作为培养皿或是烧杯的盖子。此外表面皿也适合对少量物质称重或者使少量物质在通风橱中阴干。Watchglasses can also be used to cover Petri dishes or beakers, and are also suited to weighing small amounts of matter or drying them in an airing cupboard.

也可以把各种硅清漆烘焙或者阴干到玻璃或陶瓷表面上,但即使这样处理以后,触摸也很容易损坏其绝缘性能。Various silicone varnishes can also be baked or air-dried onto glass or ceramic surfaces, but even after this treatment, handling can easily spoil the insulators.

为了保证艺术品的品质,保证能久经岁月也不开裂,每一遍刷上去的漆,都只能在室内自然阴干,不能烘干或者晒干。To assure the character of artwork, assure can long classics years also not craze, each brush the paint that go up, can indoors natural dry in the shade, cannot stoving or insolation.

制作方法是在粘土里掺入少许棉花纤维,捣匀后,捏制成各种人物的泥坯,经阴干,秃上底粉,再施彩绘。Create the method is glue earth to add a few cotton fiber, evenly after, knead mire of make into various person, through dry gradually in shade, bald up the bottom powder, again color.

盐是棉布染色时的固定剂,为防止褪色,新买来的颜色艳丽或深色棉布可在清水中加食盐浸泡,之后阴干,可保持棉布色泽持久。Salt is used as fixative during dyeing. To prevent fading and maintain color stability, the new cotton fabric of bright or deep color should be soak in salt and cold water before drying in the shade.