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明知不可能获胜,他们还是进行了拼争。It was futile,still they fought.

有时候、明知没路了。Sometimes, not knowing the road, and.

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聪明的百分之九十在于明知得及时。Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.

她明知那里是错误的,但是还是上当受骗了。She knew that was a mistake,but she bit anyway.

燃一盏心灯,烛光下,明知道许愿只是一种安慰。Candle of the heart promising is only a comfort.

这个杀人犯、司机明知撞了人又碾压一遍。This is murder. The driver knowingly ran her over, again.

有一种爱,明知是煎熬,却又躲不开。There is a love, which is clearly suffering, but not immune.

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明知道妳给的答案,明知道一直都是虚幻。I always know that your answer, always know that is a fantasy.

段正淳明知情势极是凶险。Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

明知会是这个结果,却还要抡起这把刀捅伤自己。That can be the result, but also let the knife stabbed himself.

为何明知缘分已尽,还心甘情愿的爱着你?Why is knowing that fate has done, but also willing to love you?

我明知深情是害,可还固执的死性不改。I know deep feeling is hurt, but still stubborn have not changed.

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有些事情明知是违法乱纪却并不代表学生族们就不会去做!Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean students are not doing it!

她因明知吊销执照而继续驾车出行而再次被检方起诉。She was ticketed for misdemeanor driving with a suspended license.

最后,我要向那些明知我不完美却依旧爱的人致敬。My last salutations are to then who knew me imperfect and loved me.

手扶粗糙的城墙,明知道或许这只是修旧如旧。Walking rough walls, you know maybe it's just repair the old as old.

当生活向你磕头,即明知是诱饵,你也会咬住。When life kowtows to you, you will bite it, even you know it's just lure.

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或者明知这样可能导致离婚,也要跟丈夫对质?Or should she confront her husband, knowing that it might lead to divorce?

郭骑云明知曼丽高烧体力不支,但仍是要求他们继续训练。Guo Qiyun knew Mary fever tired, but still require them to continue training.

有一种爱,明知道不想放弃,却因生气而离开。There is a love, knowing that do not want to give up, because of the angry left.