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她是一个泼妇。She is a shrew.

你是一个泼妇。You are a shrew.

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人们叫她泼妇。People called her shrew.

她是个老泼妇。She is an old battle-ax.

她是个坏得冒水的泼妇。She is the bitch from hell.

精明泼妇的软皮鞋。The shrewd shrew's suede shoes.

我在你脸上找出泼妇的脾气。I found a bitchiness on your face.

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她像泼妇一样尖叫!She was screaming like a fishwife!

你就是一个粗鲁的泼妇!You're nothing but a vulgar shrew!

我不喜欢我老婆到处泼妇骂街。I don't like my wife bitching around.

没人愿意和一个粗俗的泼妇结婚。No one wants to marry a vulgar shrew.

我不喜欢我老婆到处泼妇骂街。I do not like my wife bitching around.

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大多数情况下,我是个泼妇。Most of the time, I can be a real bitch.

悍妇,泼妇,恶妇被认为是脾气很坏或邪恶的女人。A woman regarded as bad-tempered and evil.

那个本来挺和蔼的女孩结婚后成为了一个泼妇。The nice girl he had married grew into a shrew.

看在上帝的份上,滚吧,把你那泼妇的脸藏起来。Begone, for God's sake, and hide your vixen face!

就算我是泼妇,也是苏淳一手培养出来的。Even if I am a virago now , that brought up by Mr, Su.

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泼妇站在门口,不停地嫚骂。The shrew stands at the door and keeps shouting abuse.

任凭我像个泼妇一样,大声哭喊,头也不回。No matter, I like a bitch as loud cry, without looking.

她像个骂街泼妇,找个人让她住口!She is acting like a fishwife. Someone should shut her up!