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不去那冷寞的幽谷,不去那凄清的山麓。Not that the valleys, Not that foothills.

我喜欢这种凄清的美,莫名所以地喜欢。I liked such bleak beauty without any reason.

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凄清的风雨只是令我俩更加坚定。Only to grow stronger when chilly gale and rain come.

我喜欢这种凄清的美,莫名所以地喜欢。I involuntarily love this kind of beauty, chilly and lonely.

我相信凄清是三种主要的交配驱动力之一。I believe romantic love is one of three primary mating drivers.

你问,为何,这阴冷凄清的地方琐链般将我牢牢束缚?Why, you ask, was I bound and chained to this cold and dismal place?

钟敲了八响,远处兵营里响起一阵军号,若隐若现,煞是凄清。Eight o'clock struck and a bugle call floated from the distant barracks.

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离别,是如此甜蜜的凄清。我真要向妳道晚安直到天明。Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I could say goodnight until tomorrow.

她唱着旧日的歌曲声韵凄清,她聚敛着愁眉,谁是知音与听?An old melody dreary sounds, Locking listeners' brows in frowns, yet for whom is it performed?

纳兰性德常常在他的词的凄清哀婉的意境中抒发一种人生如梦的空幻感受。In his pathetic poems, Nalan Xingde usually shows an illusory feeling that life is like a dream.

她的安详沉默就像笼罩着暴风雨袭击后的岛屿上的凄清宁静。Her tranquillity was like the sullen calm that broods over an island which had been swept by a hurricane.

戴望舒之感伤凄清、朦胧婉曲的爱情诗,与李商隐开创的玉溪诗风,特别是他的爱情诗风格非常接近,十分类似。Most of Dai love poems have sad, dreary and graceful style which was much alike the style of Li love poems.

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我希望,在这暴风骤雨,孤寂凄清的夜晚,梦如肯降临,他应化作我心爱的人来到我的睡梦中。I hoped, if dreams came to me, they would come in the shape of my beloved, in the lonely night loud with rain.

我希望,在这暴风骤雨,孤寂凄清的夜晚,梦如肯降临,他应化作我心爱的人来到我的睡梦中。I hoped, if dreams came to me, they would come in the shape of my beloved , in the lonely night loud with rain.

至多意境凄清而已,你绝对想不到那是怎样的苦恋,怎样绝望却又缠绕心肺的忧伤情感。At the most desolate mood only, you never know how to love, how desperate but wound cardiopulmonary grief emotion.

晚安!晚安!离别是这样甜蜜的凄清,我真要向你道晚安直到天明!Act ii. Sc. 2. Good-night, good-night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good-night till it be morrow.

晚饭时间刚一结束,马上就有人把毯子塞给我们,接着便再次把我们赶进冰冷而凄清的格子间里。When we had finished, the blankets were served out immediately, and we were hustled off once more to the bare, chilly cells.

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其缠绵悱恻、凄清婉约的细腻笔调,无须笔者赘言,读者自可玩味。Its very sentimental, chilly clear composed exquisite writing style, does not need the author superfluous word, the reader from may ponder.

对愁不成眠,凄清卷风廉,问卿可知否,孤独又一年,悄然两行泪。DO not become sleep to the sorrow, the pure book breeze , ask the can know to deny, standing alone again a year, quietly two lines of tears.

夜是一个巨大的黑色旋涡那像灯影一样在记忆的粼粼水面上旋转着的是我的凄清的魂魄。Night is a huge black whirlpool. Like the shadow of lamp, On the clear surface of memories, In the gyrating movement, That's my lonely and sad soul.