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我在扮鬼脸。I am making faces.

不要跟我扮鬼脸。Don't make faces at me.

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还要扮鬼脸,耍把戏?Do monkey faces and tricks?

他常在课堂上扮鬼脸。He often makes faces in class.

那个小家伙冲我扮鬼脸。The little boy made faces at me.

她喜欢向老师扮鬼脸。She likes to make faces at the teacher.

贝尼考试不及格就扮鬼脸。Benny makes a face whenever he fails a quiz.

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孩子们喜欢在万圣节扮鬼脸。Children like painting their faces at Halloween.

那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑。The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him.

当他们扮鬼脸女人的时候,他们以你的皮夹不停止,你知道。They don't stop with your wallet when they mug women, you know.

他们以种种诱惑引诱我,而当我祷告之时,他们就冲我扮鬼脸。They tempt me with temptations, and when I would pray they make mouths at me.

以拍打自己的耳朵和扮鬼脸,去示意要结束对话了。To signal the end of a conversation, clap your hands over your ears and grimace.

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扮鬼脸扮得太多以至于丢失了幽默感——这是一场令人难以忍受的、矫柔造作的演出”。He mugs so ferociously he kills the humor – it's an insufferably cute performance?

对太阳扮鬼脸很容易,从任何角度看,他都暴露在他所拥有的光芒里。It is easy to make faces at the sun. He is exposed by his own light in all directions.

我们一般人没办法站在街上扮鬼脸就可以赚钱的。Most of us cannot manage to get any money for standing on the street and making faces.

每次拍照片我都爱扮鬼脸,所以我爸爸叫我鬼脸怪客。My father calls me a mugger because whenever he takes a family picture I make an awful face.

很多时候他们会向我扮鬼脸,却不向专业的摄影师这样做。Many times people make a face for me that they wouldn't make for a professional photographer.

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接下来的10年,我们扮鬼脸,耍把戏,逗孙子孙女们开心。For the next 10 years, we entertain our grandchildren by making monkey faces and monkey tricks.

当你看到不爱吃的食物时,不要扮鬼脸,或发出“咄”声,否则容易令人感到厌恶。Do not make a grimace or say "Ugh! " when you see food that you do not like. It is apt to disgust others.

我一定会在这里看到推荐当地岛上生活和扮鬼脸在当地的初中的孩子。I would certainly recommend going here and seeing local island life and making faces at the local junior school kids.