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你喜爱诗。You love it.

我喜爱猴子。I Iike monkeys.

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我喜爱吃海鲜。I like seafood.

我一定要招人喜爱。I must be liked.

我们都喜爱白南瓜。We all love them.

我喜爱这则名言。I love this quote.

我们都喜爱图标。We all love icons.

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你喜爱跳舞吗?Do you dig dancing?

他是高和逗人喜爱的。He is tall and cute.

我打赌你当时很逗人喜爱。I bet you were cute.

她还是喜爱他的。She still liked him.

我喜爱黑色洋装。I love a black dress.

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我非常喜爱亚纶。I really adore Arron.

探戈是我最喜爱的。Tango is my favorite.

我们也喜爱跑步!We love running, too.

我非常喜爱我的理想家园。I enjoy my ideal home.

她是多麽逗人喜爱的婴儿啊!Isn't she a cute baby?

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你们也喜爱飞轮海吗?Fahrenheit you like it?

乔治斯喜爱他的湖。Georges loved his lake.

詹妮很喜爱这一串珍珠项链。Jenny loved her pearls.