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老天何来那么多的悲痛,日夜泪流不止?God why so much grief, and tears?

在所有小时的日夜奋战。At all hours of the day and night.

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机器都日夜不停的转动。The machine operates day and night.

日夜不停运转著的机器。This machine operates night and day.

追梦人日夜劳苦奔波。Dream toil day and night to run around.

在躯体内,血液日夜沸腾。Make my blood day and night boil amain.

他的困难使他日夜不能安宁。His problems ferreted him day and night.

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他们日夜地呆在河岸上。They stayed on the riverbank day and night.

我们日夜不停的旅行。We travelled day and night without stopping.

艾尔西在考试前日夜不停地学习。Elsie studied night and day before the exams.

他们日夜照顾那个生命垂危的人。They attended day and night on the dying man.

如果再花3128个日夜就可以得到你的心。If it takes another 3128 days to get your love.

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不论日夜,任何时间,我们都能得著安慰也能安心。We may even believe that God no longer loves us.

我们要完成这张订单须日夜不停的工作。We must work day and night to finish this order.

医生日夜准备应诊看病。Doctors are expected to be on call day and night.

他们日夜不停地干,家都不肯回了。They worked round the clock, refusing to go home.

这些工人们的工作是三班倒的,日夜不停。The workers work in three shifts around the clock.

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在恒河边火葬日夜不息。The cremation ghats in Varanasi burn day and night.

工人们太忙了。他们日夜不停的工作。The workers are very busy. They work day and night.

日夜,我们可以听到快乐的马戏团音乐.Day and night, we could hear the happy circus music.