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短期失忆症。Short-term memory loss.

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购买短期票券。Purchase of short-term bills.

那么你的短期计划呢?So what's your short term plan?

同时制定好短期计划和长期计划。Think short term and long term.

但是这些措施只是短期行为。But they are short-term fillips.

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一个短期的校园内的伍德斯托克音乐节A short-term Woodstock in the Yard

可以办理短期观光旅行吗?Do you have any sightseeing tours?

从长短期高兴悔改。From short pleasure long repentance.

那是个短期的特殊使命。That was a short special assignment.

我们是如何定义短期规划的?How do we define short term planning.

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产品适用于户内和户外短期。Indoor use and shortterm outdoor use.

房租月付,带停车位,长短期租住皆可。Monthly paid rent, car park available.

在做短期计划时也是同样的道理。So it is when making short-term plans.

短期投资于总过是非常有风险的。Short-term investing in China is risky.

这就是设立了短期的目标带来的后果。That's short-term goal-setting for you.

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但这些短期不利消息影响有限。The short-term damage has been limited.

是一家制药公司的短期工。I'm temping at a pharmaceutical company.

制定详细的短期和长期目标。Set specific short- and long-term goals.