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好大喜功的李士武盯上了金深水。Like the Li Shiwu eyeing gold deep water.

那个将军总是好大喜功。The general always craves for greatness and success.

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好大喜功是德州人做事的传统。Texans have a tradition of doing things in a big way.

我和她一样好大喜功,直接把原本紧密带卷的头发挽成了一个漂亮蓬松的圆发髻。I was just as simple as her, my hair twisted into a beautiful loose bun of tight, solid curls.

温州动车事故惨剧为好大喜功的中国大型公共基建项目的安全敲响了警钟。The deadly Wenzhou crash highlights the dangers of mega-infrastructure projects moving too far, too fast.

田心还说其实天外天走到今天这一步最大的问题是唐力急功冒进好大喜功。Tian Xin said TianWaiTian go today this step actually the biggest problem is Tang Li urgent work aggressive excesses.

即使在中国数据并不可信,因为地方官员在向北京汇报时总是好大喜功。Even data are often suspect in China, where local officials have a strong incentive to send rosy pictures off to Beijing.

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例如纳税人最终总要替政府负债买单,而且好大喜功的政府越是扩大预算,民间企业就越是难以筹钱。Taxpayers, for example, will ultimately have to pay for government debt, while prodigious government borrowing makes it harder for businesses to raise money.

然而,乾隆刚愎自用,好大喜功,铺张奢华的个性使大清盛世悄悄滑向衰落。However, qianlong self-willed, crave for greatness and success, grandiose and costly individual character makes old clear flourishing age slips stealthily to be on the wane.

这对那些劳民伤财,好大喜功,残民以逞,穷兵黩武者罪恶灵魂的揭露真是洞若观火。It's for those who waste of resources, greatness and success , exploiting the public in order to boast, militarism who expose the evil of the soul hole if the concept is really a fire.

哗众取宠是美国文化里的一个特色,像是好大喜功,倾向于夸张疯狂的形象一样,Graham说这样的美国难以接纳他这种纤瘦、低调、不爱粉饰自己的新英格兰人。Sensationalism is one aspect of America’s bigger-is-better, superlative-crazy culture, one that Graham says has never accepted him, a spindly, self-effacing New Englander who doesn’t sugarcoat.

他生性谦和,不好大喜功,尽心尽力履行着治国的职责,但假如形势需要,他也会不遗余力地炫耀自己作为帝国统治者至高无上的荣耀。A modest and retiring man by nature, he toiled conscientiously at the duties of government, but when occasion demanded he acted the role of magnificent ruler of his empire with pomp and ceremony.