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他算出他的债务总数。He toted up his debts.

这些数字加起来的总数是450。The figures add up to 450.

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你算出的总数和我算出的是一致的。You total tallies with mine.

我将帮助你解决那个总数。I'll help you solve that sum.

爱生雅雇员总数约50,000人。SCA has about 50,000 employees.

你真付得起这个总数吗?。Can you really afford this amount?

它显示所有类别的总数。It shows the total of all categories.

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彩金–您一个注码赢得的彩金总数。Return – Your tot al winnings on a bet.

也就是我计算的总数的个数。The number of things I'm adding to tot.

由于进位原因,数字相加后可能与总数略有出入。The figures may not add up due to rounding.

美国领先。看看最后的金牌总数吧。USA rules. Count the gold medals in the end.

我们已经算出了账目的总数。We have tallied up the total of the account.

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一位官员称死亡总数可能超过50,000。An official says the number could top 50,000.

它带着所有的船员消失了,总数超过1150人。It went down with all hands – over 1,150 men.

我将会算出腿的总数量。I'm going to get the total number of legs out.

由于四舍五入关系,个别项目的数字加起来可能与总数略有出入。Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.

让我看一下,你的总数是五千九百二十九美元整。Let's see here. Your total would be 5929 dollars.

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那笔款子已使总数达到整整400英镑。That sum has brought the total up to£400 exactly.

将总数增加至最接近的整数千克。Increase your total to the nearest full kilogramme.

到目前为止,麦当劳中国的开店总数达1065家。Up to now, there are 1065 stores in total in China.