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我会就此住手。I’m gonna stop.

再不住手,我就去告诉华夫人!Stop, or I will inform Madam!

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我不要痛,住手!Stop the pain! Make it go away!

住手,你这个亡命徒。Drop your hand, you parlor-desperado.

“住手,”我不假思索的朝它吼道。“Stop it!” I yelled without thinking.

他不做完不肯住手。He won't stop until he finishes the job.

接着她发出可怕的歇斯底里的尖叫,住手!Then she shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically.

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一个人站出来指著耀西,“嘿,住手!A man stood out pointing to Yoshi, "Hey Stop it !"

住手啊,你凭什么这么狠打我?——是希德打碎了糖罐!Hold on, now, what 'er you belting ME for?—Sid broke it!

很快“请住手!”Please Stop quickly made its way into our home lives, too.

住手,放我下来,拿开你的手,你们在干嘛?Stop, put me down. Get your hands off me. What are you doing?

可他还是把这只海葵打到松懈下来才住手。But he taps and strokes it until it finally relaxes and stretches.

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就这样我们发现了“请住手!”We had discovered a glitch in the system -- Please Stop was flawed.

被引入到我们家庭生活中,我清楚地记得有一次我坐在餐桌旁对妈妈喊“请住手!”I clearly remember sitting at the dinner table, yelling "PLEASE STOP!

“住手!”有人喊了一声,“把他带到这儿来!”是扎达克司令。‘Stop that!’someone shouted.‘Bring him over here!’It was Commander Zadak.

“住手。”透着寒气的语调响起,不怒自威。"Stop. "Deeply dress algidity of euphonic ring out, no the Nu is from the Wei.

两个人一看到是隋侯爷叫他们住手,马上停手了。Both men froze when they saw it was the Duke of Sui himself telling them to stop!

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然后小心地用毛巾包住手机,并放入装满生米的罐头瓶里。Then, wipe the phone gently with a towel, and shove it into a jar full of uncooked rice.

塑料袋生产商已向达度表示抗议,他可能会辩解说自己只是被法院束住手脚的傀儡。Plastics manufacturers complained to Mr Dadoo, who could say his hands were tied by the court.

正当格雷琴开始着手拆卸苏克雷脚下的地雷时,马宏赶来了,他叫格雷琴快住手。As Gretchen starts to dismantle the mine under Sucre's foot, Mahone shows up at the Gate office.