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这个城市的人们开车都横冲直撞的。People drive crazy in this city.

他横冲直撞地穿过人群。He barged his way through the crowd.

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这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。The mob rampaged through the village.

我看到人们横冲直撞地开车时真的很心烦。I get so upset when I see bad driving.

大象在树林中横冲直撞。The elephant smashed through the trees.

象群横冲直撞地穿过森林。The elephants rampaged through the forest.

羊儿们开始横冲直撞,孩子们也如此一片混乱。The sheep started to run amok and the kids too.

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杰克总是横冲直撞,打破东西。Jack is always careering about and breaking things.

他们有如脱经的烈马,横冲直撞,迅猛异常。They had the bit in their teeth and they moved fast.

这个疯子在人群里横冲直撞,胡乱开枪。The maniac ran amuck in the crowd, shooting at random.

因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。The driver lost control and the car careen down the hill.

成群结伙的年轻人昨天在城里横冲直撞。Gangs of youths went on the rampage in the city yesterday.

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刹那间,天旋地转,飞沙走石,横冲直撞。Suddenly, dizzy, flying sand and rolling pebbles, rampage.

他因横冲直撞地驾车,被警察吊销了他的驾驶执照。The police revoked his driving licence, because he hogged.

那条狗在教会横冲直撞,大家一时惊慌失措。The dog ran through the church and caused quite a commotion.

一辆飞速行驶的邮车在公路上横冲直撞。The mail-cart of a flying travel is on highway dash around madly.

在太阳落山后的周五晚上,她担心喝醉酒的司机横冲直撞。On Friday evenings, as the sun sets, she feels menaced by drunk drivers.

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同时,生活也在互联网的实时洪流中横冲直撞。Meanwhile, life has rampaged elsewhere on the Internet's real-time stream.

夜市里的其他人也因为害怕这头横冲直撞的大象而尖叫声此起彼落。Other people in the night market yelled in fear of the rampaging elephant.

不管怎样,决不能让她在这幢房子里横冲直撞。Whatever happened, she must not be allowed to go rampaging about the house.