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但能被400整除的世纪年2000年,则为闰年。But century years divisible by 400, like 2000, would be leap years.

问这个两位数可被6整除的概率是多少?What is the probability that the two-digit number is divisible by 6?

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例如17就是质数,因为它只能被1和17整除。The number 17, for example, is prime, because it is divisible only by 1 and 17.

发现可被100整除的年份不一定是闰年,除非它能被400整除。Years that are divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they're also divisible by 400.

在LCN检测中,每个样品被分为三个部分或是能被三整除的,其中两个部门用于检测。In LCN testing, each sample is divided into three parts or aliquots, and two of these are tested.

一个正整数,如果能被并且只能被1和它本身整除,那么这个数就是一个素数。A positive integer is a prime if and only if it is exactly divisible by two integers, 1 and itself.

除了世纪开始的年份外,所有被四整除的年份应是由366天构成的闰年。All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.

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数学归纳法可以用来证明与正整数有关的恒等式、不等式、整除性问题和几何问题等。Mathematical induction can be used to prove the positive integers and Identities, inequality, and the divisibility of geometric problems.

最后,证明了带有左整除序关系的链的零半群是左△-序半群。We finally prove that the nil ordered semigroups which are chains with respect to the divisibility ordering are left △-ordered semigroups.

具体的看这事,考虑用长除法?如果你能在纸上做长整除,现在就举起你的手。会有人举手吗?我可不这么认为。To put this in perspective, think about long division. Raise your hand if you can do long division on paper, right now. Hands? Anyone? I didn't think so.

本文就整数的整除性判断的重要方法——割尾法的理论与实践进行了初步探索。The essay has done the first research to the theory and practice of the end-cutting method which is an important method to judge the divisibility of integer.

这三个主题上每位参与者的分数都被加起来,然后被3整除,以得到每个参与者的每一个字幕速度的跨主题的合成分数。The scores on the three topics for each participant were added together and divided by 3 to get across-topic composite scores for each speed for each participant.

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针对整数论中数的整除特征进行了研究,从理论上解决了任意整数的整除特征问题。This paper studies the numeral divisibility characteristic of round number, and solves the problem in theory about the divisibility characteristic of any round number.

这里没有探测,所以不需要担心探测会因为表容量能被步长整除,而陷入无限的循环中。There are no probes in separate chaining, so there's no need to worry that a probe will go into an endless sequence because the step size divides evenly into the array size.

特别地,我们还讨论了序零半群,给出了这类半群与偏序半群上的左整除关系链的关系。In the paper we introduce the concepts of L-trivial, nil ordered semigroups and give every ordered semigroup is L-trivial if and only if the left divisibility relation is an order.

介绍了左△-序半群和完全左同余的概念,给出了左整除序关系的链的性质。In this paper, the concepts of left △-ordered semigroups and complete left congruences are introduced and some properties which left divisibility ordering relation form a chain are given.