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我看过她的现场表演。I saw her live.

她选择表演。She chose acting.

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我喜欢她的表演。I like her acting.

是的,我们喜欢即兴表演。Yeah, we like to riff.

安将表演弹钢琴。Ann will play the piano.

他喜欢看击剑表演。He likes watching fence.

她表演得很好。She performed very well.

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通过表演加深记忆。To act the dialogue out.

杂技演员表演的绝技。A performance by mummers.

它是一场马戏表演。It's a dog and pony show.

听一听,读一读并表演。Lisent, read and act out.

想欣赏艺术表演吗?Enjoy the performing arts?

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去看场表演好何?How about going to a show?

学生表演课本剧并造句。Act out and make sentences.

表演是一种模仿性艺术。Acting is an imitative art.

他们已经知道大卫的表演了。They’ve already heard Dave.

分小组自由表演。Act out the story in groups.

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她的表演赢得一片喝彩声。Her performance drew cheers.

我想看草裙舞表演。I want to see the hula show.

他向广大观众表演。He performed to large crowds.