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艺术之苗,卓然成长。Art Miller, stand growth.

在激烈的市场竞争中卓然超群。In the fierce competition in the market Zoran Maria.

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蕴涵着艺术灵感和卓然品质。Contain artistic inspiration and outstanding quality.

在他的眼里,她卓然不凡,使其他女性黯然失色。In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.

门板选用顶级钢琴板材质,品质卓然超乎想象。The doors are made of the same material as top quality piano board.

是一家在健身器材行业成绩卓然,且占据领导者地位的意大利公司。Technogym is an Italian company leader in the field of fitness equipment.

扎实的知识,专注的用心,其在金石学的研究上成绩卓然。Solid knowledge of the intention to focus its research on epigraphy Zoran grade.

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儒学的性情倾向在孔子那里就已有卓然的表现。Then temperamental inclination of Confucianism was already excellently shown in Confucius.

在关于儿童题材的古诗中也是卓然独异,如一颗璀璨的明珠。Of the ancient poems about children, it is most outstanding as if it were a resplendent jewel.

我们将在10月29日的颁奖盛典上为各个领域成就卓然的创新者颁奖。At an awards ceremony on October 29th, we will honour successful innovators in a range of fields.

现时在香港中文大学任教通识教育科目的老师超过二百位,其中许多表现优秀、卓然出群。Over 200 teachers offer General Education courses at CUHK, many of whom are dedicated and outstanding.

专家们说,红头发的人也许还有一个使他们卓然于群的特征——敏锐的痛感。Redheads may actually have another trait that makes them stand out--sensitivity to pain, specialists reported.

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专家指出红头发的人也许还有一个使他们卓然于群的特征——敏锐的痛感。Redheads may actually have another trait that makes them stand out — sensitivity to pain, specialists reported.

在那个小镇上,年轻的尤金•特雷布兰奇在同龄人中卓然不同,他不仅带领着学校的橄榄球队,还主持着校园辩论会。The young Terre’Blanche stood out among his small-town peers, leading both the school rugby team and its debating club.

桐城派的文学理论与实际成绩卓然,桐城文派是当时清代势力最大的散文流派,且在中国文坛上居于显赫的地位。As the most influential school of prose in the Qing Dynasty, the school of Tongcheng plays a key role in the Chinese literature.

在风格特征上,尚处于发展阶段的极繁主义平面设计已经显示出其卓然不群的一面。On style characteristic, The Maximalism style graphic design has already demonstrated whose diversity in the developing a stage.

总之,他们认为“酷”是一种挑战、一种勇气、一种能力、一种卓然独立、与众不同的特性。In short, they think "cool" is a challenge, a kind of courage and a capacity of a Zoran independent, distinctive characteristics.

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她在十几岁时,在哈雷姆著名的阿波罗剧院参加业余歌手比赛并最终胜出,展现了自己卓然不群的才分。She demonstrated extraordinary talent as a young teen, winning an amateur singing contest at the famous Apollo Theater in Harlem.

我欲罢不能,竭尽全力,大道似乎卓然在前,但真要阔步追随,却感到无路可寻。Having exhausted my ability, I still seem to find something standing high above me. Though I wish to follow it, there is no way to do so.

出色的地理课标不仅使地理新课程改革进程如虎添翼,也是地理教育取得卓然成效的必要条件。Outstanding GCS not only deepens the reform of geography curriculum, also being the necessary condition of successive geography education.